Lance Haley
2 min readAug 4, 2017


I know far more than you realize. Many are friends of mine. But most of my buddies are well-off Republicans. We just don’t talk politics.

I frankly don’t understand why they think they way they do — although I agreed with them that HRC was corrupt. Never liked her. But that’s just me. I wanted Biden. Or Sanders. Or Martin O’Malley. Even Kasich. Anybody but Trump.

Talking points? Sorry, I don’t rely on political rhetoric. Or “alternative facts”. Just deep research and hard data. Do you understand the difference?

Midterms in the bag, eh? So we have three more years of the Party of Doh? That’s fine. I’m more than happy to watch them drive this train wreck of a government into the ditch. Please just total it this time; make it even worse than ’08. That should finally wake Joe L up to the truth about the real GOP mantra: “Government doesn’t work. Elect us and we’ll prove it.”

Seven years of Repeal and Replace — speaking of “talking points”, with control of Congress and the WH, yet they can’t even find their own asses in a dark closet with a flashlight and both hands. Of course, they will try and find a way to deflect blame for it onto the party that had absolutely no power — that’s how the GOP rolls. Absolutely no accountability.

But you still want them in power? All to the detriment of America. Putting party over country. It’s the GOP way. That really makes sense to me. Thanks for validating my argument. I rest my case. About both you and Joe L.

