Why the Agile Method Often Fails in Big Companies

Enterprise teams often call themselves ‘agile’, but fall into chaos and confusion. Where’s the problem? Contrary to what the experts tell you…

Lance Ng
The Startup


Photo by Sebastian Herrmann on Unsplash

If you are a software developer you’ve probably heard these words, “We use the Agile Methodology.” Then as the project goes along you start to wonder, “Hey, there’s nothing agile about this at all.”

In fact, you start to feel as though everything is slow and bureaucratic. You’re stuck in meetings all day with 12 people from all over trying to decide one feature. You may even witness flared tempers and politicking that results in parties getting involved in a pissing contest and intentionally sitting on work.

PS: This article was meant to be personal observations; and I’m not a techie. Interestingly, many who are and have spent decades in big projects have echoed my sentiments. Some of these reader responses are at the end.

So what the hell is ‘Agile’ Methodology?

AngelList has an excellent primer on Agile Methodology. What makes this article different is: it focuses on the human aspect, not the framework and tools.

“Agile” isn’t a particular methodology…

