My Marie Kondo Tips for Information Clutter

These simple methods for organizing and storing information vastly improved my focus and productivity for work and personal relationships.

Lance Ng
The Startup


Marie Kondo speaking in Dublin, Ireland in 2015; in front of a bookshelf filled with books. Source: Wikimedia Commons

Have you ever struggled to decide which social media feeds or newsletter subscriptions you should unsubscribe from? Do you find yourself wanting to conduct a digital Marie Kondo equivalent to try and throw out the unnecessary clutter in your apps and devices.

For many of us, our information lives are a mess. We have so much coming at us everyday in our email inbox, social media feeds and video streaming subscriptions. It all stacks up in our heads and our devices before we even had a chance to digest most of it.

At best this results in a little headache from information overload. At worst it distracts you from what’s important to you in your professional and personal life.

I don’t know about you, but I find myself having a digital Marie Kondo moment every now and then.

Here’s what I do to clean up my digital clutter.

Divide your news feeds into three levels

At both a professional and personal level I’ve always maintained a strong curiosity in many areas and fields…

