Q&A. Developers about Lancer Network

Lancer Network
3 min readMay 13, 2018


And here is the promised interview! We apologize in advance that we could not answer many questions — we are getting ready for the start of the fundraising campaign.

Q: How did the idea of this project come to mind? Agree, this is by far not the most obvious choice for your own ICO.

A: Quite the opposite! Now the blockchain is no longer a fresh, nascent sphere. There are hundreds and thousands of different projects — the scale, capabilities, areas of application is not the same. We thought about what is common to all these services and what they need. What they lack is tools of promotion. We ourselves witnessed how really good projects did not collect the right amount simply because they did not have enough money for advertising. At the same time, the blockchain community is international and it is not so difficult to gather people around your project if you know the levers of management.Watching the bounty campaigns, we realized that in fact their application can be much broader. Bounty methods can be scaled and applied for promotion! Thus, users can not only participate in the bounty, but also carry out tasks that will immediately be paid for by crypto currency.

Q: Lancer Network. What is the meaning of this name?

A: Well, there is nothing unusual here. Proceeding from the large-scale international character of the blockchain community, we realized that the “network” is exactly what we create. A peculiar network of freelancers — strictly speaking, this is the meaning

Q: Who will not be able to work on your platform?

A: We do not assume any geographical restrictions. In general, I do not think that there will be any serious restrictions. In the end, to make a few retweets and reposts — this is not hard work, it can be done by any person. Thanks to the crypto currency, we are destroying geographical barriers. Any user with sufficient knowledge of English, will be able to feed himself and his family

Q: What about payments within the platform? Is it possible to pay assignments to performers not only in your tokens?

A: Tokens are necessary to create tasks, but it is not necessary to pay exclusively for them. You can use for this BTC, ETH, BCH and other cryptocurrencies.

Q: Lancer Network is a platform for promotion. How do you plan to promote the platform so that it becomes known?

A: Renown is a matter of building a community.We will equally try to develop our community, which will later become lancers, and attract a B2b segment to work with the platform. Q: How do you see your token in a year?

A: This is a rather difficult question — there are too many unknowns. The market is quite volatile and no one can predict the exact course now. We have the potential for growth. As for the exchanges, we plan to first place on IDEX, then on HiTBTC. Of course, over time, the token will be on the world’s largest exchanges. We will work to ensure that more advertisers use our system — this will cause interest in the token and its growth.

