Creative ideas for your backyard

Landscape Professionals
3 min readDec 28, 2017

Rock fountain, two-tier patio fountain, concrete sphere fountain, ponds, streams are some of the water features usually added in the backyards. Being able to see and hear the sounds of the water are the most relaxing experience on the earth.

Here are some of the unique ides that you can try for our backyard.

(i) Running Water from on High

A layer of tin or wood sluice is kept at descending heights to adjust the flow of the water downward. The buried fountain pump makes the water flow to the top layer of the sluice. The stream flows down with a soothing sound of water. You can plant tiny plants on both sides of the sluice to make it more appealing to the eyes.

(ii) Fountain from on High

Fountains can be of any heights. The water pump can shoot the water to any height to bring it out of the opening.

(iii) A Pond at Any Height

Very little space to create a pond is OK to add a scenic beauty to the backyard. A pot is absolutely fine to build a pond with lilies in it. These are easily done without digging soil in the backyard. But, there is a little disadvantage on the same. The water will remain stagnant and it will easily catch algae within the pot.

(iv) The Wall of Water

This is one of the soothing structure that can be used on the open balcony and the backyards. It acts as a wall or a fence in the garden.

(v) Ponds with fishes

You might have been planning to have an aquarium at your home. Why only indoor, try outdoor! In your limited space, it is possible to dig a 2 feet depth pond with goldfishes in it. Not only that, you can use plants inside the pond and decorate your water-body in your backyard.

Create your own water feature in your garden

Water features come in various shapes, sizes, and styles. It provides soothing view and pleasing sounds to the surrounding. Not only that, a feeling of peace and tranquility makes you complete.

Landscape design remains incomplete without fire pit in cold places. Basically, it makes you secluded from the crowd and enjoys the moment silently. Here are some unique ideas for the same.

(i) Old steel rim style

Gather an old tire rim and some stones. Cover the surrounding of the rim with the soil. Surround the rim with the stones. Add some twigs and logs and lit the fire. Enjoy your secluded warm place in the cold winter.

(ii) Paver style

Another unique idea adding to the additional beauty of the landscape is a simple fire pit. A set of simple chairs across the fire will keep you warm with loads of gossip and quality family time.

If you are planning for any of the landscaping arts, just call (205) 718–0092 to get a free estimate now!

Conclusion: Installing a water feature adds a soft touch to your backyard whereas a fire pit adds a charm to the house.



Landscape Professionals

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