Eye Color & Personality — Are They Connected?

Your Eyes Could Reveal More than You Realize!

6 min readDec 15, 2022


Photo by Harry Quan on Unsplash

Do you ever look at someone and wonder what kind of person they are?

We‘ve probably all heard rumors about eye color — that green eyes are mysterious, blue eyes are kind, and brown eyes are strong. But could there be some truth to this?

Well, it turns out that the answer might be staring you in the face! Believe it or not, your eye color may actually reveal some personality traits.

Research suggests that there may indeed be a correlation between the two! There is some evidence to suggest that the color of your eyes can give away some interesting insights. Though eye color isn’t necessarily indicative of personality, per se, it can seemingly provide believable insight into certain aspects of someone’s character.

While it’s certainly not an exact science, it is fascinating to consider the possibility that your eye color can say something about you as a person. So what do your eyes say about you?

It turns out that your eyes may be more telling than you realize.

