I Know A Lot of Things

But Knowing Isn’t Enough…

3 min readMar 11, 2023
Image credit: Lane K (the author)

I want to start off by saying that I know a lot.

I know that eating an entire pizza by myself is a terrible idea. I know that staying up too late will make me tired and grumpy the next day. And I know that procrastinating on a project until the last minute is a surefire way to stress myself out.

But do I always act on this knowledge? No, I do not.

Just because I know the lesson doesn’t mean I’ve learned it.

I know I’m not the only one who feels this way.

We all have moments where we know we should do something, but we do the opposite anyway.

As human beings, we are constantly seeking knowledge and wisdom to improve our lives. We read books, attend lectures, and even turn to social media for advice. But despite our vast knowledge, we often find ourselves making the same mistakes over and over again.

It’s a common phenomenon in our lives.

It’s like our brains are split in two — the logical, rational side knows what’s best for us, but the impulsive, emotional side just wants to do whatever feels good at the moment. And sometimes, that…

