Talk Therapy Doesn’t Work For Men

But there is still hope.

4 min readMar 2, 2023


Image credit: Lane K (the author)

Men are great at internalizing their emotions or acting them out, but not talking about them. Still, men need help with their mental health, so what are they supposed to do when therapy isn’t a good option?

Research shows that men are more likely to suffer from depression and anxiety than women, and are also more likely to take their own lives.

Something obviously needs to change in the way we approach men’s mental health. What we’ve been doing is just not working.

It’s natural for men to act out their emotions rather than talk about them.

This can unfortunately manifest in many harmful ways for a man without purpose.

Men often channel their pain by engaging in risky and aggressive behavior, which usually just increases the toll on their mental health. Instead of trying to get men to open up about their emotions, we need to focus on finding ways for them to channel those emotions into something productive.

It’s clear that we have been approaching men wrong this whole time, and I think it’s our fault in more ways than one.

