想象一下,如果青蛙以某种方式发明了人类 …

Fabian Lang
12 min readMay 25, 2023


最近,我听了《The Robot Brains Podcast》:AI教父Geoff Hinton辞去Google警告AI风险。在这次采访中提出了许多有趣的话题,其中我想在这里强调一些。

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一之小青蛙安静地躺在一个人的手掌中。| 照片: Olivia Bliss

Geoff Hinton,常被誉为“AI教父”,是一位著名的计算机科学家和深度学习的先驱之一。他最近离开了Google,以更自由地表达他对人工智能潜在危险的担忧。以下是Hinton在采访中的一些观点,并对其进行进一步阐述。



“For 50 years, I thought I was investigating how the brain might learn by making models on digital computers using artificial neural networks and trying to figure out how to make those learn. And I strongly believe that to make the digital models work better, we had to make them more like the brain. And until very recently, I believed that.

And then, a few months ago, I suddenly did a flip. I suddenly decided, actually, backpropagation running on digital computers might be a much better learning algorithm than anything the brain’s got.” (3:26)



为了获得更多信息,我建议你观看Tristan Harris和Aza Raskin在Center for Humane Technology的演讲《人工智能困境(The A.I. Dilemma)》。在他们的演讲中,他们详细解释了自2017年以来的进展以及这一突破性架构所带来的影响。



请记住,谷歌推出PaLM时,OpenAI的GPT-3已经在API中可用了两年时间。在今年1月份与Sam Altman的一次采访中,OpenAI的联合创始人甚至承认,在他们开发实际聊天界面之前,ChatGPT的模型已经在API中放置了大约10个月的时间。令他惊讶的是,直到OpenAI自己发布之前,没有人创建出类似的东西。



“You can have many copies of the same model running on different hardware, and when one copy learns something it can communicate that to all the other copies, by communicating the weight changes with a bandwith of 3 years of bits. Whereas when you learn something to communicate it to me, I need to try and change my weights so that I would say the same thing as you, and the bandwith of sentences is only hundreds of bits per sentence.“ (5:15)




“It may be that it’s historically inevitable, that digital intelligence is better than biological intelligence and it’s the next stage of evolution. I hope not, but that’s possible. We should certainly do everything we can to keep control.

Sometimes when I’m gloomy I think, imagine if somehow frogs had invented people, and frogs needed to keep control of people. But there’s a rather a big gap in intelligence. I don’t think it will work out well for the frogs…“ (33:35)

这一切也让我想起了Yuval Noah Harari在Frontiers Forum的主题演讲中提到的“人工智能与人类未来(AI and the future of humanity)”,其中他谈论了有机生命和无机智能的出现。


“Now one thing we have on our side is that we are the result of evolution. So we come with strong goals about not damaging our bodies and getting enough to eat, and making lots of copies of ourselves. And it’s very hard to turn these goals off. These things don’t come with strong built-in goals. We made them and we get to put the goals in. So that suggests that we might be able to keep them working for our benefit, but there’s lots of possible ways that might go wrong, so one possible way is bad actors. Defense departments are going to build robot soldiers and the robot soldiers are not going to have the Asimov principles. Their first principle is not going to be whatever you do don’t harm people, it’s going to be just the opposite of that, so that’s the bad actor scenario, …” (7:08)

Hinton提到的恶意行为之一是利用人工智能操纵人们。计算机算法已经学会战胜世界级的国际象棋和围棋选手,很长一段时间以来,我们认为人工智能系统只能在这些复杂但受限的游戏中击败人类专家。然而,随着技术的进步,人工智能系统已经发展出了超越游戏的广泛能力。它们现在可以处理大量的任何数据,识别模式,并以惊人的准确性进行预测… 现在,它们已经进入了曾被认为是人类专属的领域:自然语言理解和生成。

“Now, you can’t make it safe just by not allowing it to press buttons or pull levers. […] A chatbot will have learned how to manipulate people. They would have read everything Machiavelli ever wrote and all the novels in which people manipulate other people, and it will be a master manipulator if it wants to be. And it turns out, you don’t need to be able to press buttons and pull levers. You can, for example, invade a building in Washington just by manipulating people. You can manipulate them into thinking that the only way to save democracy is to invade this building. So, a kind of air gap that doesn’t allow an AI to actually do anything other than talk to people, is insufficient. If it can talk to people, it can manipulate them. And if it can manipulate people, it can get them to do what it wants.” (38:45)



“AI is incredibly biased. If it’s trained on incredibly biased data, it just picks up bias from the data. That doesn’t worry me as much as it does some people because I think people are very biased. Actually, understanding the bias in an AI system is easier than understanding the bias in a person. Because you can just freeze the AI system and do experiments on it. You can’t do that with a person. If you try and freeze the person to do experiments, they realize what you’re up to and they change what they say. So, I think actually bias is easier to fix in an AI system than it is in a person.” (17:42)




“We’d prefer to have a scenario where we create something much more intelligent than us and it kind of replaces the UN. You have this really intelligent mediator, that doesn’t have goals of its own. Everybody knows that it doesn’t have its own agenda. It can can look at what people are up to and it can say: “Don’t be silly… everyone is going to lose if you do this. You do this and you do that.” And we would sort of believe it like children would believe our benelovent parent.“ (36:04)

这种社会秩序也被称为算法治理或Algocracy(算法 + 民主)。算法治理是利用人工智能系统,摆脱个人偏见和议程,基于算法和数据分析做出决策或引导社会系统的理念。这意味着接受一种范式转变,决策由客观分析而不是主观人类偏见来引导。这样的转变可能会促使建立一个更公正、更公平的社会,其中人工智能在治理和决策过程中发挥关键作用。

对于让人工智能系统对国家的重要决策负责,您有何感受?(N = 2576) | 来源: IE University’s Center for the Governance of Change






Fabian Lang

Data, tech & #NLProc enthusiast | Market & Audience Insights Manager / Data Scientist at Deutsche Welle (DW) | https://twitter.com/langfab