Mobile application development Overview

2 min readSep 21, 2022


Mobile application development Overview

The majority of worldwide users got a mobile phone. What makes people highly dependent on these devices? The apps. Now let’s understand what these apps are all about.

Mobile App Development?

Mobile application development is where a developer creates software for mobile phones, tablets, and related devices. The process is a mix of various elements combined together such as codes written for software development and application design.

For example, apps tend to work in coordination with mobile features such as Bluetooth, a camera, GPS, a microphone, and other smartphone functions.

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Process of Mobile App Development

The development process of a mobile application can be broken down into 3 simple steps. the formula is:

The Idea and Strategy to begin

Before starting software development, brainstorming your ideas will come in handy. Because some might be having the idea, some starting from zero.

Researching the market

Once you are sure about your raw idea, now you need to seek similar apps which are related to your idea or already exist in the market.

Designing your app

The design process of the app is a crucial factor. Implementing how your mobile app will feel and look. The color theme, tones, background and fonts are vital factors to focus on.

Development phase

Now when you are actually creating the app. It will involve all the back-end services, front-end services and API.

As per your requirements, the applications might be needed to develop for iOS as well as Android versions depending on budget and customer base. Cross-platform development tools can also be used to create a version which works on both iOS and Android.

The time process varies for everyone. Some are built within a month, others might need a year.

The complexity and features have a significant impact on the budget and timeline of the app development. A simple app and a complex app will vary in terms of manpower, financial resources, as well as technical usage.

Testing the application

Before your app is ready for download, your goal should be to make sure that it is well and truly tested. Application testing is where you’ll face glitches, bugs, and other difficulties that need to be cured.

The purpose of testing the application is so that your app works without crashing and the experience is smooth as it comes.

Types of Mobile Apps

Here’s a little insight into different application types:

Native Mobile Applications

Cross-Platform Mobile Applications

Progressive Web Application (PWA)

Hybrid Mobile Applications


There are various factors when considering mobile app development. But depending on your goals whether it is creating native apps or cross-application platforms, your priority should always be the user experience.

