Trans Rights in the 2019 Election Manifestos

5 min readNov 20, 2019


This article breaks down policies in the major parties’ manifestos which concern either trans rights directly, or issues around LGBT+ rights and gender equality which are also likely to particularly benefit trans people.

I’ll update this as the manifestos come out, so let me know if I’ve missed a manifesto or there’s a relevant policy which isn’t in here!

Gender Recognition Act/Marriage

Liberal Democrats:
- “Removing the spousal veto”
- “Allowing those marriages that were dissolved solely due to the Gender Recognition process to be retrospectively restored.”
- “Complete reform of the Gender Recognition Act to remove the requirement for medical reports, scrap the fee and recognise non-binary gender identities.”

- “Remove the spousal veto so that married trans people can acquire their gender recognition certificate without having to obtain permission from their spouse.”
- “Update the Gender Recognition Act to allow trans youth and non-binary people to get legal recognition through self-declaration.”

- “Labour is committed to reforming the Gender Recognition Act 2004 to introduce self-declaration for transgender people” [1]

Plaid Cymru:
- “Plaid Cymru will support the reform of the Gender Recognition Act to introduce a streamlined, de-medicalised process.”


Liberal Democrats:
- “Introduce an ‘X’ gender option on passports and extend equality law to cover gender identity and expression.”
- “Legislate to allow all-BAME and all-LGBT+ shortlists.”

- “We will also change the law so an X gender marker can be added to passports for non-binary and intersex people who wish to use it”

- “Ensure that the single-sex-based exemptions contained in the Equality Act 2010 are understood and fully enforced in service provision.”
- “Put LGBT+ equality at the heart of government, ensuring our public services are LGBT+ inclusive and delivering on the national LGBT Action Plan.”
- “Tackle the homelessness and rough sleeping crisis in the UK, ensuring that all strategies and services are tailored to understand needs unique to LGBT+ homeless people”

Plaid Cymru:
- “We will support efforts to reform the Equality Act to include ‘gender identity’ as a protected characteristic and to remove the use of the terms ‘gender reassignment’ and ‘transsexual’ from the Act.”
- “We will promote LGBT participation in sport, as part of broader efforts towards healthier lifestyles, and work with clubs and organisations to reduce homophobic, transphobic and sexist behaviour.” [This is a devolved issue which is not relevant to this election in Wales]

Conservatives: none mentioned

Brighton Trans Pride 2019

Children and Youth

Liberal Democrats:
- “Tackle bullying in schools, including bullying on the basis of gender, sexuality, gender identity, or gender expression, by promoting pastoral leadership in schools and delivering high-quality sex and relationships education.”
- “Require inclusive school uniform policies that are gender-neutral and fexible enough to suit diferent budgets, and provide training for school staf on how to review and improve their uniform policies.”
- “Teaching about sexual consent, LGBT+ relationships, and issues surrounding explicit images and content will be included in RSE.”

- “Properly fund training to support the delivery of comprehensive, ageappropriate Personal Health and Sexual Education (PHSE) lessons in schools covering all aspects of sex and relationships, with a focus on consent.”
- “End the opt-out of LGBTIQA+ inclusive PHSE classes at school to ensure that every child learns about different types of couples and families that make up UK society.”

- “Provide sufficient funding for schools to deliver mandatory LGBT+ inclusive relationships and sex education.”

Plaid Cymru (education is devolved in Wales and therefore not relevant to this election):
- “Schools in Wales will be required to keep a register of bullying incidents related to sexuality, to take action where necessary and to involve students in anti-bullying initiatives.”

- “We will continue to help teachers tackle bullying, including homophobic bullying.” [no mention of transphobic bullying]


Liberal Democrats:
- “Address continuing inequalities in health services access faced by same-sex couples, and continue to improve LGBT+ healthcare overall.”
- “ Review on the basis of evidence any unscientific and discriminatory practices aimed solely at LGBT+ people, such as around blood donations.”
- “Ensure Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV prevention is fully available to all who need it on the NHS.”
- “Increase access to a broader range and number of clinically efective talking therapies so that hundreds of thousands more people can receive this support, with equal access for older people, BAME and LGBT+ patients, and people with autism or learning disabilities.”
- “Require that a fair proportion of all public funding for health research should be focused on research into mental ill-health, including research into the diferent mental health needs of diferent communities within the UK such as BAME and LGBT+ people.”
- “Ensure that LGBT+ inclusive mental health services receive funding and support.”

- “We will ensure that tailored and specific provision is readily available for the particular needs of Lesbian, Gay Bisexual, Trans, Intersex, Queer and Asexual (LGBTIQA+) and Black Minority Ethnic (BME) communities, children and adolescents, and older people.”
- “We will also ensure that PrEP — a daily pill which prevents HIV infection — is provided by NHS England without delay.”
- “Increase funding for areas of the NHS heavily relied on by Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Intersex, Queer and Asexual (LGBTIQA+) people, including trans healthcare, gender identity clinics, HIV treatment and mental health provision.”

- “Fully fund sexual health services and roll out PrEP medication.”
- “We will guarantee universal healthcare by […] ensuring all our services are made accessible to BAME, LGBT+ and disabled patients.”

Plaid Cymru (healthcare is devolved issue in Wales and therefore not relevant to this election):
- “Having secured recurrent funding for the Gender Identity Clinic, Plaid Cymru will work to improve the provision and ensure timely access to the service.”

Conservatives: none mentioned

Asylum/Foreign Policy

Liberal Democrats:
- “Offer asylum to people fleeing the risk of violence because of their sexual orientation or gender identifcation, end the culture of disbelief for LGBT+ asylum seekers and never refuse an LGBT+ applicant on the basis that they could be discreet.”
- “Develop a comprehensive strategy for promoting the decriminalisation of homosexuality around the world and advancing LGBT+ rights.”
- “Protect, defend, and promote human rights for all, including LGBT+ individuals who are persecuted across the world as well as those persecuted for their religion or belief.”

Greens: none mentioned

- “Take steps to safeguard LGBT+ rights inside or outside the EU, such as retaining and promoting the Human Rights Act.”
- “Respond fast and firmly wherever LGBT+ people face violence or persecution internationally and appoint a dedicated global ambassador to the Foreign Office on LGBT+ issues.”

Plaid Cymru: none mentioned

- “We will support marginalised communities in the developing world, hosting the UK government’s first ever international LGBT conference.”

- “SNP MPs will push for reform of the detention and asylum system for LGBT+ individuals escaping countries where homosexuality is still criminalised, removing unfair and invasive demands for ‘proof’ of sexuality or gender identity.”


  1. This marks a change from their 2017 manifesto, which said “will reform” — the 2019 version appears to be more of a future plan rather than a firm policy commitment

