How to Single Crochet?

Lantern Moon Handcrafted
3 min readOct 18, 2022

A single crochet stitch is one of the easiest of the basic crochet stitches. All you need is your crochet hook and yarn to get started. Abbreviated as sc in US crochet patterns and dc in UK terms, this stitch is versatile and the foundation of almost every crochet pattern.

To begin your craft journey, let’s start with how to single crochet. Gather your supplies first.

  1. Crochet hookChoose any single-ended crochet hooks or even the Tunisian crochet hooks that come with the option of using a cord that you have in your craft collection. An interesting thing to keep in mind is that the interchangeable Tunisian crochet hooks can be used for any crochet stitch. The interchangeable cord is assistance for the specialty Tunisian crochet stitches. You must also take into consideration the crochet hook sizes. The general rule is — small hook size = small stitches and big crochet hook size — big stitches. Most crochet patterns cover the information on crochet hook size and yarn. When you plan your own projects, a gauge swatch is recommended.
  2. Yarn: There is no specific requirement for yarn when you are practicing the basic crochet stitches. Any 4-ply medium-weight yarn works, as long as you can easily see the stitches you make. While you use it for a pattern make sure to choose a yarn weight matching the crochet hook size, or as recommended on a pattern.

Instructions for single crochet stitch

Step 1 — Make a slip knot on your crochet hook. Pull about 15cm (6 inches) of yarn from the tail end of the ball/ skein. Make a loop of the yarn with your fingers. Slip the loop onto your hook and with the yarn that’s leading to the ball pull and tighten.

Step 2 — Crochet a chain. A chain is a series of loop stitches that you make with a crochet hook. The chain is important, as you will need to have something to work your single crochet stitches into.

If you are following a crochet pattern, then you will have instructions on how long your foundation chain should be. If you are experimenting with your own design the foundation chain can be as long as you want for your project. For example, start with 20 chain stitches.

Step 3 — Insert the crochet hook into the first chain. For the first SC insert the hook into the first chain from your hook.

Step 4 — Pull up two loops on your crochet hook.

Step 5 — Yarn over and complete the stitch. Pull through both of the loops that are still on the hook. You have completed the single crochet stitch.

Continue the steps in each remaining chain across. For the second row, chain one more stitch on the first row. The chain will be your turning stitch. You can continue SC from the second loop and go on.

Single crochet stitches make a solid fabric that is stable and flexible. It makes a dense fabric with minimal holes that make it the best choice for Amigurumi patterns. You can crochet rows or rounds with the stitch. With practice, you can easily go ahead with projects such as scarves, blankets, coasters, hats, etc. Soon enough, you will have wonderful crochet creations on hand.



Lantern Moon Handcrafted

Lantern Moon are manufacturers of an exclusive line of beautiful and functional products for the needlecraft community.