knitting Decreases: K2TOG and P2TOG

Lantern Moon Handcrafted
4 min readMay 6, 2023

In knitting, when you working on projects that require shaping, you will come across an instruction to knit or purl together. Knitting is based on two stitches — knit and purl. All other stitches are a combination of these such as Stockinette, Seed, moss or other textured stitches. Abbreviated as K2TOG or P2TOG, the knitting techniques are known as decreases. Both these techniques can be worked with your regular knitting needles and knitting accessories. These knitting methods are used for projects such as hats, socks, and sweaters for proper fit and other projects.

Both of these knitting techniques are the most basic knitting decreases. Whether you are working back and forth on single-pointed or circular needles, both basic knitting techniques work for shaping. These methods also work when working with double pointed needles or circulars to knit as usual or even the magic loop. This can be little confusing if you have never done it before. In this blog, let’s walk you through both the basic knitting decrease techniques.

Abbreviations in Knitting Patterns

In knitting patterns, the instruction to “knit two together” is often abbreviated as k2tog or capitalized K2TOG or written “knit 2 together” and even knit2tg. All of them are the same. Similarly “purl two together” is often abbreviated as p2tog also seen in capitalized P2TOG. However, do check the pattern’s notes or abbreviations to see how the pattern designer or writer indicates this stitch technique.

Even when some knitting patterns do not mention a particular knitting decrease technique, you can work with these basic stitch methods.

When to K2Tog or P2Tog?

If you are working without a pattern and then need to decrease, you need to know where to knit two together or purl two together. If you are working on a row or round of knit stitches, you need to work k2tog. Similarly, if you are working on a row or round of purl stitches, then you will work p2tog technique.

How to K2tog

A k2tog is working a regular knit stitch two stitches together simultaneously. K2tog is a common decrease stitch used in knitting, which stands for “knit two together.” It is a simple way to decrease the number of stitches in a row or round of knitting.

Here’s how to do it:

Step 1: Insert the right needle into the next two stitches on the left needle as if to knit.

Step 2: Wrap the yarn around the right needle from back to front.

Step 3: Pull the right needle through both stitches on the left needle, bringing the right needle toward you and through the stitches.

Step 4: Slide the two stitches off the left needle.

Step 5: You have now completed a k2tog decrease. This stitch creates a slanted decrease that leans to the right. It is often used in shaping patterns such as decreasing for the crown of a hat or shaping the waist of a garment.

Note: It’s important to pay attention to your knitting pattern’s instructions on where to place your k2tog decreases. Some patterns may have you knit two stitches together in the middle of a row, while others may have you knit two stitches together at the beginning or end of a row.

How to P2Tog

P2tog stands for “purl two together” and is a common decrease stitch used in knitting. It is a simple way to decrease the number of stitches in a row or round of knitting while maintaining the stitch pattern.

Here’s how to do it:

Step 1: Insert the right needle purlwise into the next two stitches on the left needle, as if to purl.

Step 2: Wrap the yarn around the right needle from back to front, as you would for a regular purl stitch.

Step 3: Pull the right needle through both stitches on the left needle, bringing the right needle toward you and through the stitches.

Step 4: Slide the two stitches off the left needle.

Step 5: You have now completed a p2tog decrease. This stitch creates a slanted decrease that leans to the left. It is often used in shaping patterns such as decreasing for the crown of a hat or shaping the armholes of a sweater.

Note: It’s important to pay attention to your knitting pattern’s instructions on where to place your p2tog decreases. Some patterns may have you purl two stitches together in the middle of a row, while others may have you purl two stitches together at the beginning or end of a row.

Whether you knit or purl, work in the round or back and forth premium knitting needles translates into fine-crafted knit work. The Lantern Moon Collection includes a range of handcrafted knitting needles, crochet hooks, and accessories. Crafted from premium ebony wood, each needle and hook has a liquid-silk finish that has an effortless glide for all types of yarn.

Happy Knitting!



Lantern Moon Handcrafted

Lantern Moon are manufacturers of an exclusive line of beautiful and functional products for the needlecraft community.