7 Things Your Man Wants To Hear You Say

It’s a huge turn-on if you say them

Lanu Wilson
4 min readApr 11, 2024
Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash


“Who are they?”

Here are a few things:

The gender that gets the least encouragement for their efforts, but instead are dared to do more and more, as though they were a machine;

The same gender who are told never to express their feelings because it is a weakness, but instead forced to swallow it up without complaint;

The ones in whom society has planted the idea that it is their duty to give and keep giving in a relationship no matter what. And when they fail, it is seen as a transgression.

You know them, right?


I’m talking about the man in your life right now — your boyfriend/husband.

They are the ones we shall look at a few simple ways to turn the table around and put a smile on their face. To the one in your life, you owe it to him to tell him that you notice his efforts, that his feelings are worth expressing, that you understand him, and that you’re happy to share your lives together.

There are several ways to achieve that but today we shall look at the instrument of words.

Seven words your man would love to hear from you:

1. “You’re doing your best, and I appreciate that.”

Yes, he is obliged to provide for you but at the same time, he can choose not to. There are many families out there where the wives bear the weight of the family on their shoulders. Their partner is either an invalid choice or due to circumstances. Sometimes the burden weighs too much and they cry for help in silence.

If you’re lucky to have a responsible man who provides for you come rain and sunshine, let him know you see his efforts and show him how much you appreciate it. Appreciation is the fuel that keeps the generous heart running.

2. “Okay”

Here is the truth:

Nothing inspires love and affection like obedience. Your man will have a soft place for you more when you respect his decisions than when you don’t. Your obedience tells him that you recognize his authority as the head and that you trust him enough to give you a safe landing with every instruction he gives. In fact, your obedience commits his obligation to ensure you get the best of whatever he asks you to do.

Obedience is the greatest gift, and an obedient woman is a blessing any man can get. Be that woman.

3. “You’re my crown”

My girlfriend told me this just before I went to bed. I had the sweetest night’s rest!

He may not ask you but trust me, it sweetens the soul to let your man know how much you value him in your life. It is absolutely lovely.

He needs to hear it.

4. “Do you mind telling me about it, babe?”

Men have emotional baggage.

They just carry it around with a smiling face and well-ironed shirt and pants.

Trust me, your man is probably going through a rough patch right now. He might not show it because “men are not supposed to express their feelings — it’s a sign of weakness”. And we don’t want to appear weak to your gender. That’s a fact.

He’s lived that way for years.

Now he has the skill to paint his pains with a sweet smile.

So even if you don’t see it, let your heart guide you. When you notice something off, no matter how off, Ask him, “ Hun, I noticed… do you mind telling me about it?”

He might not jump at the offer. But keep at it. One day, he will unburden that baggage and will forever be thankful to you for helping him reach that freedom.

It’s a huge relief.

Help your man reach that.

5. “ I need you “

A relationship is an investment. And just like women, men need reassurance in the relationship.

It soothes his soul to know that his effort, time, and money are not falling on dry soil and that he’s much wanted by you just as much as he wants you in his life.

Don’t assume he knows, say it. He needs to hear it from you.

6. Last night was amazing

More than anything, men treasure their performance in bed. It’s a huge achievement for us.

Rachael Pace said it better:

  • Everyone loves to hear how they performed in bed with their partners and for a man, hearing that from his girlfriend or wife means a lot. If you had a great sex time the previous night and you say nothing about it to your man the following morning, it leaves him wondering if you enjoyed it. Hence, to quell his unspoken doubts, it is advised to say “You were great last night” or “You were on fire last night.”

7. I’ll handle the bill

Olivia Surtees nailed it:

  • Occasionally, male individuals like to hear their women agreeing to foot some bills. It doesn’t necessarily have to be their bills, but something the woman independently takes responsibility for. They love a woman’s dependency but cherish her sense of self-sufficiency even more. If a woman can cater to her demands without relying on anyone, her partner will respect her more. Being self-reliant is beneficial to both parties. It reduces the inferiority-superiority fights that tend to occur when one partner handles everything. It also gives the couple greater financial security if one of them is laid off. Independence reduces the stress on both parties and grows the couple’s connection.”

Men are simple.

Just a few helpful words can go a long way. He feels safe, motivated, and inspired in the relationship.

You don’t need much to make him happy. And it is those little things that bring him happiness that will keep the love in your relationship alive.

To your success in relationships,




Lanu Wilson

Personal Development Coach || Writer|| Pet Lover|| Reader