What to Sell on Etsy: Top 10 Things for 2024

4 min readNov 27, 2023


Selling things on Etsy can be a great way to make money. In 2023, the market for custom-made items was worth a lot of money, and it’s expected to become even bigger in the next few years. This is a good chance for you to start making some extra cash or maybe even replace your regular job. In this article, we’ll talk about the top 10 things you should sell on Etsy in 2024, based on advice from Taylor, who’s made over $120,000 in just one year on the platform.

Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

Top 10 Things to Sell

1.Clothes (T-Shirts, Sweatshirts, Hoodies): Taylor says even though many people sell clothes, you can stand out by following trends and finding smaller groups of customers.

Photo by Lucas Hoang on Unsplash

Versatility and Trend Adaptation — Apparel allows for a wide range of design possibilities. Adapting to current trends and exploring small sub-niches can help your products stand out.
Saturation Risk — The market for clothing can be highly competitive, leading to saturation. It may be challenging to stand out among numerous sellers.

2. Mugs (Different Kinds): Mugs are good because there are lots of types, and selling them in sets can be smart.

Variety and Set Sales — Mugs offer various types, and selling them as sets can increase sales. The variety in materials and colors adds to their appeal.
Fragility — Mugs, especially those with accent colors, may be more fragile, leading to potential breakage during shipping.

3. Canvases: Canvases are seen as fancy and can make you a lot of money.
Luxury and Profitability — Canvases are considered luxury items, and the product segment is predicted to be highly profitable, making them an attractive choice.
Storage and Shipping Challenges — Canvases can be bulky, leading to storage and shipping challenges. Higher shipping costs may also deter some customers.

4. Blankets: Blanket sales have gone up since more people started working from home.
Increased Demand — Blanket sales have surged, especially with more people working remotely. Custom blankets, in particular, have gained traction.
Production Costs — Custom blankets, while popular, may have higher production costs, affecting profit margins.

5. Posters: Posters are a bit like canvases and could be a good thing to sell.
Undiscovered Potential — Posters represent a less explored product type, providing an opportunity for sellers to tap into an underserved market.
Design Competition — Similar to canvases, posters face competition in terms of design. It may be challenging to create unique and attractive designs.

6. Phone Cases: Selling phone cases with custom designs is a growing market.

Photo by Sepideh Doost on Unsplash

Growing Market — Custom phone case sales are on the rise, and this product type still feels underserved on Etsy, presenting a significant growth opportunity.
Market Saturation — The market for custom phone cases is growing but can still be saturated. Standing out amidst similar products can be a challenge.

7. Tote Bags: Bags are cheap to make, and there are lots of niche markets you can aim for.
Low-Cost and Niche Opportunities — Tote bags are low-cost to produce and offer unique niche opportunities. Exploring specific niches can lead to high search and low competition.
Low-Cost Perception — Tote bags, being relatively low-cost, might be perceived as less valuable, impacting potential profit margins.

8. Stickers: Even though stickers cost more to send, selling them in bundles can make customers feel like they’re getting a good deal.
Bundle Strategy — Despite higher shipping costs, selling stickers in bundles can provide customers with a sense of value, making them more likely to purchase.
Higher Shipping Cost — Stickers often come with higher shipping costs, potentially deterring price-sensitive customers.

9. Tumblers: Tumblers are popular for weddings, and you can find success by selling them in different niches.
Versatility and Wedding Niche — Tumblers are versatile and popular, especially in the wedding niche, where they are often used as gifts.
Fragility — Tumblers, especially those used for weddings, may be delicate, posing a risk of breakage during shipping.

10. Hats (Embroidered Hats): Hats with special designs are not as common on Etsy, so it’s a good opportunity.

Photo by Mat Weller on Unsplash

Underserved Market — Embroidered hats, especially on Etsy, represent an underserved market. The uniqueness of embroidered items can attract customers.
Complexity in Production — Embroidered hats can be more complex to produce, leading to potential challenges in manufacturing and increased costs.

Why Good Pictures Matter

To sell well online, you need to show your products in a way that looks nice. Taylor recommends using Placeit to make good pictures for your products. This is important, especially for clothes, because customers decide to buy based on what they see.


Etsy is a good place to sell things, especially if you pick the right products and show them off nicely. Following trends, finding your niche, and using good pictures can help you succeed on Etsy. So, whether you want to sell one kind of thing or focus on a specific group, Etsy has lots of opportunities for you to make money.




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