LA Progressive
3 min readMay 3, 2020


James W. Knowles, III — does that name ring a bell? Don’t worry if it doesn’t. Knowles’ 15 minutes of fame came and went with the Ferguson uprising. Maybe it’s coming back to you now — James Knowles was the mayor of Ferguson back in August 2014 when unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown was shot multiple times and killed by Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson.

Since that fateful day back on August 9, 2014, the City of Ferguson Police Department was placed under consent decree, the Black Lives Matter movement emerged, and the Brown family was awarded over $1.5 million for their loss. Other than that, not much changed.

Police officer Darren Wilson was not indicted and, in 2017, James W. Knowles, III won another mayoral race. Yes, James W. Knowles, III is still the mayor of Ferguson.

If progressives couldn’t even mount a successful campaign to get rid of a small-town mayor, how the hell are we going to get rid of Donald “Inject the Body with Disinfectants” Trump?

At some point we have to admit that at the center of our failure to remove this grossly incompetent president and his band of sycophants is the sad truth that progressives are as weak as Trump is incompetent. And that’s a helluva lot of weakness!

Now, we can debate about why we’re weak till the cows come home but a simple foundational truth keeps staring us in the face. It was made clear in Ferguson — we are…



LA Progressive

LA Progressive's online social justice journal has been publishing progressive insights for a decade.