Woodward Book Shames Trump Shills, Apologists and Enablers

LA Progressive
4 min readSep 5, 2018

As the details from the new Bob Woodward book, Fear: Trump in the White House, begin to emerge, there is trembling throughout the Republican cloakrooms in the Senate and House, throughout the White House staff and throughout the community of those who have been Trump’s most visible shills and apologists in the media.

Woodward’s book is a tale of contempt toward the president from a long list of his closest advisors in the White House and contempt from the president toward many of his closest past and current advisors.

Every Republican must now fully defend special counsel Robert Mueller from Trump’s attacks, and Republicans in Congress must belatedly stand on principle and oppose Trump’s wrongs because the already grave danger they face in midterm elections will now rocket to landslide levels after the Woodward book and recent Russia-related indictments and trials.

The sordid details of what can be found in the book is detailed in a flurry of major stories in the Washington Post, The Hill, the home page of CNN and other respected news sites.

At a time when polls are showing danger for Republicans, from Trump’s sky-high unpopularity to their low support in the midterm elections, this book will put intense pressure on Republicans facing the grave danger of going down…



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