Laqshya Vedic
3 min readApr 7, 2020

Types of Outdoor Advertising

In today’s digitized world, online marketing is all the rage. Any marketer will tell you that digital marketing can reach heights which traditional marketing cannot even fathom. However, without a proper traditional marketing strategy, a product or service cannot survive in today’s market. It is indeed true that digital marketing is very important but there has to be a proper traditional marketing plan to back it up. Traditional or OOH marketing lends credibility to a brand. A consumer will trust a brand more if they feature on a billboard in their locality than a brand which they only come across on the net. Of course, there is more visibility on the internet but is it more credible? Is digital marketing more effective at building trust than traditional marketing? The answer is no. Even if digital marketing reaches more customers, traditional marketing lays down the foundations of trust. Thus, it is safe to say that outdoor advertising is definitely essential for a brand to grow. The solution is to have a good digital marketing strategy and an effective traditional marketing plan to back it up and lend it credibility.

There are various ways in which you can indulge in Outdoor advertising. There are outdoor advertising agencies that specialize in this very type of marketing. Moreover, these firms usually have a digital wing which takes care of digital marketing. For instance, Laqshya Media Group is one such firm which offers some great traditional and outdoor marketing strategies. This group has a digital wing called Digitalabs, which helps their customers with digital marketing services.

Here are some types of OOH advertising:

1: Billboard Advertising: This is perhaps the most common and effective form of outdoor advertising. Creative billboard ads catch the attention of daily commuters. When people pass through the same route and come across a billboard ad multiple times, it sticks in their memory and they are more likely to go with your brand when shopping for that particular product.

2: Mobile Advertising: This type of advertising is also common but not as common as billboard advertising. Simply explained, the ads that you see on public vehicles such as buses and sometimes on even private vehicles is known as mobile advertisement. It is as effective as billboard advertising.

3: Banners: Banners serve the same purpose as Billboards. The primary difference is that they are smaller in size and cheaper. Thus, if you are looking to invest little in outdoor advertising, banners and lamp posts are for you. If you are satisfied with the results of the banner, you might upgrade and go for billboards.

4: Point of Sale Displays: This type of outdoor advertising only works for products and not services. Point of Sale Displays are generally there to attract impulsive buyers. You can find these displays on cash counters. When a consumer is about to check out, they might be convinced to buy your product due to Point of Sale Displays.