7 Chakra Colors: Origin, Meaning, How to Use and Practice

L'Aquila Active
22 min readAug 9, 2022


‘Chakras’, ‘Colors’ and ‘Chakra Alignment’ are the latest and trending words today all over the globe. They are words and terms that people , especially health and fitness experts are using all the time. But, what are Chakras?

The word ‘chakra’, means ‘wheel’ in the world’s most ancient language- Sanskrit, and symbolises the flow of energy in our body. The 7 chakras present in our body are actually energy centres that regulate everything- the emotions, attitudes and the persona. Their roots lie in the ancient health texts of Hinduism and Buddhism and both of them tell us about the nebulous state of these chakras. We need to keep our chakras finetuned, to be able to remain healthy.

Head here to know more about unblocking the chakras and the colors.

The Impact Of The Chakras

According to the meditation practices, if the chakras ever become out of sync, they can negatively impact your physical, mental and spiritual health. Each of the chakras is associated with a particular body part and its proper functioning. That is why, when medical practitioners who practice an ancient medical system such as Ayurveda look at a prospective patient, they will first address the chakras. They know for sure that if the physical body is going through a dis-ease, then the reason is imbalance of the chakras.

What Do Colors Have To Do With the Chakra System?

So, let’s look at the chakra system and its respective colors. Right from the ancient mystics, to the present day healers who practice different modalities of healing, look out for the chakras and the intensity of the colors. Head here to know more about everything related to prana, vayu, chakras.

They have been telling us that each chakra represents a specific color, and to the person who can see the subtle body, he or she knows that the intensity or the depth of the color matters a lot.

The lighter or paler it is than it had been earlier, then it is indicative of a health condition that is going to be worrisome. Our chakras are there in each energy centre of the body, but remember, they are also in a state of constant flux. They are nebulous, and match with the emotional state. By and large, it is the speed and rate at which all our chakras spin, that has an effect on our overall sense of balance and well-being too.

The Many Energy Centers In The Body

Modalities of healing such as Reiki, Pranic, Su Jok, Reflexology and many others, talk about the well-being of our mental and the physical state. Everything focuses on chakras and their well-being. We are all comprised of energies, or the energy body. The energy body is the human energy field that extends beyond the physical body. Much as our physical body consists of many layers — the nervous system, musculature, and skeletal system — with intricate, overlapping functions, our energy body also consists of many interacting layers. Like our physical body, each layer serves a specific purpose and the layers work collectively as one. We call the layers of our energy body, our aura. Our aura interacts with our physical body as well as our energy centers, or chakras.

Do Only Humans Have The Chakras?

No, not at all. All living things — humans, animals, plants, trees, even the Earth, and the planets, — have a chakra system, a living system of energy vortexes, that exists within them. There are seven major chakras in the body, as well as several minor ones. We associate each chakra with specific organs and glands, physical functions and dysfunctions, and emotional, mental, and spiritual issues. When we mindfully, get in touch with the energy that is in the state of flux within our chakras, we connect with ourselves more fully, and learn how to heal ourselves on all levels, creating true holistic healing. This is why mindfulness-based practices, such as meditation, help connect the mind with body and spirit. This is also the reason why certain physical activities help make us feel more centered.

Each Meridian and It’s Corresponding Chakra Colors

Would you believe it, if we told you that each chakra resonates to a specific color in the broad spectrum of colors, in the universe? This is universal. It is not like each person a chakra would represent any color. Every chakra has a specific color, that people acknowledge and have done so, since time immemorial. The many images given below will corroborate this fact.

Let Us Analyse Each Chakra and Their Colors

1. Root chakra; Mooladhara.

Which color? Red

Where: Lowest part of the spine, at the base of the tailbone. This chakra represents our security and our power and strength. It shows us our ability to feel calm, safe, and grounded. It’s also from where we are able to pull in energy and manifest what we want. So, in some situation, when we feel threatened, this is the chakra that gets affected, and slowly shrivels or narrows, instead of being expansive.

2. Sacral chakra; Svadishtana.

Which color? Orange

Where: Two inches below our navel. This chakra represents and governs our emotional state and sense of creativity. And as such, it is the source of sensitivity, sexuality, intimacy, and self-expression. Often, we have to conscientiously clear the sacral chakra of stuck energy from traumas, and stored negative emotions in order to heighten our creativity, and ability to express your truest self, by expressing our deepest feelings, which is good.

3. Solar plexus chakra; Manipura.

Which color? Yellow

Where: Between naval and sternum. The solar plexus chakra is indicative of personal power and will power, self-esteem, confidence, and intellect. The yellow color, is indicative of everything that is upbeat and positive. If we become aware of the color yellow in the upper part of your abdomen can help you feel strong, confident, motivated, and powerful. We can also eat yellow-colored foods to help you tap into the energy of this chakra.

4. Heart Chakra: Anahata.

Which color? Green

This part of the chakra system is where your divine self and your human self meet right at the heart. The experts say that the soul of a person is in the heart. Green represents health and growth. It also means that when you experience something, and you feel it is right, it is felt in the heart first. Because your soul feels it is right.

5. Throat Chakra: Vishuddha.

Which color? Light Blue

Expression and communication are powerful. It means, to be able to speak your truth, to have an honest and open line of communication within yourself, and with how you express yourself to the world. Blue is a color of everything that is pure, straightforward and truthful. It is a metaphor for duty, trust, logic, and intelligence.

6. Third Eye: Ajna.

Which color? Purple

The third eye is symbolic of everything that we can feel with our spirit and our heart. We just know something, without anyone telling us anything about it. It is the seat of intuition. This is the high power center — seated between our eyebrows is something beyond wisdom. This chakra resonate with the color Indigo. Indigo has a feeling of peace, wisdom, and patience to it and a significant sense of spirituality. It symbolizes a constant state of flux in one’s escalating evolutionary pattern or journey. This deep color even has a bit of magic to it. Intuition is our greatest magical power if we have the keenness and the trust to listen to it’s vibration. Red here to know ore about the third eye chakra.

7. Crown Chakra: Sahasrara — Violet.

Which color? Purple

On top of the head — our spirituality and connection to the source or the supreme power is of importance here, in this chakra. Universal consciousness and understanding and a sense of connection to a higher guidance or other vibrations, is the key. This chakra is generally visualized as purple, and connected through a white ray of light to the source above, in the higher realm. Both the colors have a long range, and can reach many connections above our plane. The root chakra connects us to the earth — crown chakra connects us to the universal spirit, God, source and the ultimate power.

When The Chakras Are No More In Sync

What happens when the Root Chakra is out of sync?

The first of the physical chakras is the root chakra — the chakra largely responsible for how safe and secure we feel. It is like calling it the first among equals. All chakras are equally important, but the root chakra is our only connection to the earth. When the root chakra is out of harmony, there is an inability to trust nature. We also feel ungrounded, feel disconnected from Mother Earth, have issues around tribal beliefs (our identity in relationship to tribal consciousness) or family wounds, do not feel secure in the knowledge that our most basic and primal needs are being met (such as food, shelter, clothing, and love), function out of fear, and feel unsafe.

When the Root Chakra Is In Complete Sync Or Rapport

Let us look at the positive things of possibilities that happen, when the root chakra is in sync with our mental, physical and emotional state. Harmony is the word that is dominant, when the root chakra is in rapport with our personality. We feel connected to Nature, trust in our intuition, and trust everything that happens in our life, attributing it to the presence of a higher power. Also, we feel grounded and we move with the ebb and flow of Nature and life itself. We are loving towards all around us and we know that the universe has our back, no mater what. And we feel safe and secure. We connect automatically to the group consciousness.

When the Solar Plexus Chakra Is Out of Sync

When our solar plexus is having trouble, we start to throw our weight around, pulling away other peoples’ energy and then we try to victimise them. We always worry about our prestige, name and fame. And we believe in the superficial aspect of keeping up with our façade. We function through the world with deep feelings of inadequacy. If we try to analyse the behavior that people whose solar plexus is not in harmony, we will be convinced of one thing- they are insecure and do not respect themselves and may even manifest itself as self-hatred. Such people may give away their power to others, leaving themselves with no sense of self or identity.

When the Solar Plexus Chakra Is In Harmony

It is a different story altogether, when our solar plexus is in perfect sync and harmony. We are courageous to speak our minds, we feel centered, we are happy individuals, and do not feel threatened by others’ presence or their ideas. We know our self-worth, and cultivate our personal power in healthy ways, and are in touch with our inner warrior. There is a balance between the spiritual and material worlds and we develop tolerance and acceptance (of ourselves and others), and feel deep serenity with who we are, have inner peace and calm.

When the Heart Chakra Is Out of Harmony

When our heart chakra is not resonant within ourselves, then it is a matter of deep concern. We feel disconnected with ourselves and we do not love ourselves. We do not or do not know how to love another person, and we have trouble being genuine. There are trust and faith issues that develop, and we find it difficult to trust another person. This gives us depression. Most cases of people having panic attacks, being in deep depression and having suicidal tendencies are because of a weakened solar plexus chakra.

When the Heart Chakra Is In Harmony

When the heart chakra is connected and we are in resonance with whatever goes on in that chakra, then there is a lot of happiness, joy, love and a feeling of universal love towards all, irrespective of whether we know them or not. We are comfortable with others, sending and receiving a lot of love.

When the Throat Chakra Is Not In Rapport

When our throat chakra is not in sync, then we cannot express ourselves openly at all. We have difficulty in speaking our truth and we start becoming touchy and react to everything and everybody around us. We feel we are silenced by those around us, judged by their beliefs and thoughts, and out of alignment with our soul, and lose the will to live. Most suicides happen when people’s throat chakra undergoes a fluctuation.

To read more about whether meditation can help if you feel suicidal or know anyone who does, check this post.

When the Throat Chakra Is In Harmony

Our will to live is strong and we are able to follow our dreams. We speak our truth — where we say what we mean and mean what we say. And we express ourselves easily, creatively, and authentically, listen to our inner voice, and have a balance between silence and speech. Also, we think before we speak, so as not to hurt anyone’s feelings.

When the Throat Chakra Is Out of Harmony

When our throat chakra is not in sync with our soul, we feel overpowered and silenced by the people around us. We do not establish any rapport with people and react to circumstances and people around us in a very explosive way. There is always a simmering resentment that keeps on happening. Our thyroid gland too gets affected. We have great difficulty to speak our heart out. We lose the will to live and decide to end our life.

When the Throat Chakra Is In Harmony

When we are blessed with a strong and a robust throat chakra, we are able to open up easily. We can talk frankly and openly with anybody; we can build an instant rapport with just about anybody. Our expressions are frank, and forthright. And our words come out as a true expression of our self, and we have a lot of love expressing from within ourselves. Our will to live is strong and we are able to follow our dreams. We listen to the voice of our heart and can express ourselves freely. We establish a fine balance between our heart and the will to live.

When the Third Eye Chakra Is Out of Harmony

The Lord of the third eye is none other than Lord Shiva, as per the ancient Indian traditions, and it continues to hold fort. The third eye chakra is associated with the concept of being all-knowing. Yoga itself, being of Indian origin, and having had the inception from the gurus of ancient India, attribute its birth and continuity to only Lord Shiva, the Lord of Destruction, of the Universe.

Third Eye Not In Harmony, Contd.:

When the third eye is out of sync, we become very disturbed, and are not able to see with a non judgmental attitude. We have fears of many kinds, that even which may not have a solution for healing. We focus only on our intellect and intuition together. And we reject all spiritual aspects of ourselves. We do not trust (nor are aware of) our intuition, and are only able to see the physical reality in life, and carry a lot of fear with regard to our inner wisdom.

When The Third Eye Is In Sync

When the third eye is in perfect harmony, we try to invite our intuition and awareness into everyday aspects of life. We trust our inner vision and act upon what our intuition tells us (which makes it stronger). We have a deep knowing beyond what we can physically see, and are even in touch with our clairvoyance (the gift of taking in intuitive information through sight and vision). Our gift becomes a tool for us to employ for people to get healed.

How Important Is It To Be Grounded?

It is important to feel connected and grounded to the universe, by meditating for a few minutes everyday, religiously. The religious aspect here, is not with refence to anything regarding religion, but, it refers to doing something as regimen, at the same time, without any break. To be in touch with our inner self, gives us a a lot of strength. The chakras get strengthened and the colors they emit also get stronger and darker.

Aura And The Chakras

When an aura reader reads one’s aura, he or she can feel the colors of the chakras with great sensitivity. He can also read the reasons behind the weakened chakras and through meditation, help us strengthen our chakras and build a strengthened stream of our chakra colors. Remember, that the chakras are not stationary. They are ever expanding and reducing and very nebulous. They match in intensity with the emotions we undergo inside of us.

Chakras Are In A Constant State Of Flux

They advice that every person undergoes a flux in the colors of the chakras because of the intensity of the chakras we emit. The elders also say that when we undergo turmoil in our thinking, or are terribly confused and falter at some step, our chakras also decline in their width, around us. This reflects in the kind of depth of colors that they throw out. So, when we are disturbed due to the things happening around us, it immediately shows in the colors emitted by the chakras.

Many times, we treat ‘stress’ as an ordinary thing. We are still to attribute the same level of respect towards psychosomatic illnesses or ailments as we would, to the physical ailments. But we should also be educated enough to understand that the stress one goes through in life, due to their specific circumstances, have a long arm stretching towards every chakra. In this process, the chakras go through a lot of changes in terms of the intensity of the colors they emit. Stress is that powerful.

Let Us Study And Analyse How Stress Affects Our Chakras And Their Color Intensity


Root chakra, Sacral chakra, Solar plexus chakra, Heart Chaka, Throat chakra, Third eye chakra, Crown chakra. Well, we see that every chakra and their corresponding colors are affected if there is stress in any form. Stress, when referring to chakra health, is a state of mental tension and emotional strain resulting from very demanding circumstances and problems that occur in our lives, work situations and relationships.

How Does It Affect Us?

When we experience extreme stress, the hormone Cortisol (also known as our stress hormone) steps in to help us handle our stress and the worries that assail us. Then we release a lot of Adrenaline as well. Adrenaline is our fight-or-flight hormone. Both of these hormones are activated by our adrenals to help us get out of stressful situations. This is great when used on a short-term basis, as it gives us the much -needed push to do or achieve something. But, to constantly remain in this state means, our entire internal system goes kaput. This means our chakras and the colors are weak. Their circumference around each meridian starts to reduce.

But, oftentimes, people can stay in stress response mode on a much longer-term basis.

Whether short term or long term, stress can indicate an imbalanced root chakra, because this energy center is related to our personal security, feeling safe, and a feeling like all aspects of our survival are met (such as having food to eat, a roof over our head, and clothes to wear). This also means that we feel insecure beyond anything.

When the root chakra is out of balance, we are operating from a place of fear; we feel unsafe, like our needs are not met. Our survival instincts are activated. We do not feel secure, and are threatened by the thought of everyday survival, which becomes a challenge in itself.

Because the primal feeling of instability and fear can affect other chakras, stress can affect our chakras in the following ways:

Crown chakra:

Stress from feeling alone and disconnected from the Divine Source. This creates an imbalance in the system. This imbalance throws our life haywire.

Third eye chakra:

Stress from not being able to trust what’s coming next in our lives, or from being unable to see the bigger picture in front of us. We are blinded by our own circumstance, and then there is a sense of failure in our life. And we cannot hear our own inner voice that used to guide us. We know we are going through delusions, but cannot get any clarity.

Throat chakra:

Stress from feeling like we’re not expressing ourselves the way we want to, but cannot. We feel like we are in fetters. It also translates to not being heard in the way we would like to be heard. There is extreme stress around speaking our truth.

Heart chakra:

Stress stemming from disconnection with the self and, as a result, with others. There is a complete separation with the spirit within ourselves.

Solar plexus chakra:

Stress coming from lack of self-worth and a sense of powerlessness.

Sacral plexus chakra:

Stress from pent-up emotions, not expressing ourselves creatively or in healthy sexual ways.

Root chakra:

Stress from feeling like our basic needs are not being met. We feel neglected, and then depressed.

How Do We Harness Power Into Our Chakras From The Beyond?

There are a number of manifold methods and processes methods we can use at home to help heal our chakras, such as visualizations and meditations, trying to bring about a change in our habits, and turning a new leaf, practicing yoga, and getting the most out of our food. To begin with, we can start with dietary changes, yoga, massage, acupuncture, and other bodywork first. From there, the journey can take us within, by commencing with meditation.

Yoga And Meditation, the colors-the connection

Yoga and meditation techniques assist us in raising our consciousness by influencing the life-force (prāṇa) and energy in the spine. When the energy is liberated from a chakra, it can then be channeled and integrated into our whole being. Stimulating and activating each chakra gradually, awakens consciousness at every level.

What Patanjali Has Said…

In his Yoga Sutras, Patañjali, the codifier and the propounder of Yoga science, gives us two of the most important foundation principles of Yoga– abhyāsa and vairāgya. These two terms are from the world’s second oldest language- Sanskrit. (The oldest being, Tamil, also an Indian language). Abhyāsa means ‘repeated practice’ and involves cultivating a strong conviction, a persistent effort consistently to choose practices with actions, speech and thoughts, that lead in the direction of a stable tranquility.

What Is Vairagya? What Is Abhyasa?

‘Vairāgya’ means non-attachment, dispassion. It involves learning actively to let go of the many attachments, fears, aversions and false identities that obscure the true Self. ‘Abhyāsa’ and ‘vairāgya’ are like the two wheels of a car — they work together. Practice leads us in the right direction, while non-attachment allows us to continue the inner journey without any diversions, into pleasures and pain along the way. Regular practice strengthens our chakras and makes them intense with the strong shades of color that they are symbolic of.

What Is The Best Method To Streamline Our Thoughts?

“The great guru- Sri Paramahamsa Yogananda, was very vociferous when he talked about the practice of meditation. He said, ‘Meditation’ is simply reminding ourself again and again that we are not the
limited physical body, but the Infinite Spirit. Meditation is arousing the memory of our real Self and forgetting what we imagine we are”. (as mentioned by Sri Paramhansa Yogananda).

What Did Sri Paramahamsa Yogananda Say?

He also said that the concept of the chakras is a system of understanding our consciousness, of
understanding who we really are. Meditation on the chakras is a means for dissolving the deep-seated and latent saṁskāras (the latent tendencies within us), and obstacles blocking our spiritual awareness to the ultimate goal of Self — God-realization. Yoga, followed by meditation is a journey from the restless and emotional distracted state of mind to a state of inner calm and stillness. As the mind becomes quiet and calm, we develop an awareness within, of ourselves, as silent witnesses — a calm and steady center of consciousness, from which we can quietly observe other mental activities without distraction and involvement.

The Chakras System, Their Colors And The Human Consciousness

A human being is this: a consciousness with a body, not a body with consciousness. Like electricity expressed through a light bulb, consciousness or the real self is expressed through the physical body. And just as a light bulb has a limited and temporary life, so does the physical body. The sources of power
and manifestation — the electricity that gives life to the light bulb and the consciousness that gives life to the physical body — do not die when the light bulb and the physical body are destroyed. Like electricity surviving innumerable light bulbs, consciousness survives innumerable bodies.

Do We Have To Be Afraid Of Death?

Death does not end our self-consciousness, it merely opens the door to a higher form of life. Unlike the
physical body, which is finite, the soul-consciousness is infinite, immeasurable, deathless and eternal. In reality no one comes and no one goes. When the body is ready to leave , the chakras become dispersed. The chakras no longer look colorful. And, life is one continuous never-ending process. Birth and death are merely doors of entry and exit on the stage of this world. Just as as we move from one residence house to another, every soul has to pass from one body to another, to gain experience and to overcome the karmas (divine retribution), which is payback time for our deeds of the past, for its further evolution. (The Book Of Chakras and Subtle Bodies- by Stephen Sturgess)

Exercises To Strengthen Our Chakras:

Given below are a few meditative exercises, to ensure that all our chakras get strengthened and emit colors that are bright. That is symbolic of a healthy mind-body connect.

  • An induction is designed to help welcome energies, so this exercise is designed to help us inhabit our chakras or energy centers, and fully experience its gifts. Let us take a moment, and call call our energy into present time, which is akin to being mindful and aware. This is what is known as mindfulness exercise or awareness exercise. At the time of the commencement of the Try speaking your full name out loud to call your personal energy in. Bring your attention to this moment. There is nothing to change, fix, move, or shift right now. Your full attention is requested right here, right now.

This meditation can be done lying down. Stretch out the arms, stretch out the legs, and lift the head. Notice how very tree-like the body is; this is a modification of the Tadasana.

The arms are like branches. Next, let us bring our attention to our legs. They are also strong branches; they are the strong trunk of our body, our tree.

The neck is another part of the trunk, lifting our face to the sky so we can receive the beauty of the world, the life force energy of the air we breathe.

When we realize how much we are like Mother Nature, in every way, we then realize that there is no distance between us and Mother Earth.

This is a grounding meditation. Let the eyes be closed.

Now, let us imagine a beautiful golden light surrounding us, and protecting us. The golden light, after winding itself and surrounding us, stretches to the universe above, connecting itself to the source. Continue being here, in this state for some time. Then, , as we are completely rested and are feeling relaxed, let us imagine the golden light continuing to be around us and throbbing with energy. This energy surrounds the chakras, and energises them.

The Visualization

Let us imagine or visualize the golden light surrounding us. Visualize it, extending down to the ground, and entrenching ourselves to the firm terra beneath us, grounding us, and giving us the strength to bear everything. Now, let us feel complete and wholesome, and spread a lot of love and kindness towards all the beings around us. Let us envelop ourselves in this wave of love. Let us slowly open our eyes.

Meditating on the awareness of the Solar Plexus chakra:

Let us meditate on the Solar Plexus chakra, to be connected to the work in hand, to be rooted and grounded. The Solar Plexus helps us with a deep sense of personal power. For some of us, it may never have occurred that we need to respect and give importance to the Solar Plexus region. You, it may have been decades since you honored or recognized yourself as a powerful being.

As We Proceed…

As you become mindful of the Solar Plexus region, let us prepare to experience the powers emitted by the Solar Plexus region, experiencing our own personal power. Let us draw a comparison to the bright and warm Sun or the Solar energy. The Solar Plexus is like the hub of the body. It emits a beautiful, warm, comforting, golden light and that is also the light of inspiration, manifestation. The focus on this center offers us a deep sense of strength and power.

How Do We Do It?

To open our connection to the Solar Plexus Chakra, let us sit in the Sukhasana. Let us turn our mind towards the air around us, swirling around us, warming us from within and without. Notice a gentle breeze moving through, just enough to keep us comfortable. Slowly, let us imagine the sun above us, sending its warmth and power to us. Each ray is a source of power for us. Let us be in the receptive mode, and receive those rays: Let them flow down upon us from above, through the top of our head, our shoulders, our arms, and our hands.

How Do We Visualize Each Chakra and Their Colors?

Let us close our eyes now, and visualize the sun and its rays nourishing us, giving us the power. After a few minutes here, let us exhale slowly, and come out of this meditative state. Let the power of the sun empower our own Solar plexus region. The ability to express ourselves well is a power that will envelop us and help enrich us. Let us slowly rub the palms of our hands and place them on our eyes and then open, feeling energized.

References: Wiki for information on Lord Shiva; Meditations — The Ultimate Guide To Chakras by Athena Perrkis, founder of the Sage Goddess; Chakra Healing by Margarita Alcantara; The Book Of Chakras and Subtle Bodies by Stephen Sturgess.

Shanti Arunkumar, Senior Contributor at L’Aquila Active

Shanti Arunkumar is a Yoga instructor who has qualified from Shrimad Yoga, Bengaluru, one of the prime authentic yoga centers in India. Her classes are called Vistara Yoga. She conducts general, as well as therapeutic yoga sessions, online, everyday.

Additionally, she is also a career counsellor and an English language specialist and takes on-on-one tutoring sessions for SAT, TOEFL, IELTS, CLAT, SCAT aspirants. She is an author and some of her short stories have been published by Harper Collins. Shanti lives in India. Contact: arun.shanti@gmail.com for yoga classes and English verbal classes.



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