A World Composed of Humans but No Humanity

Lara Sabry
5 min readOct 20, 2016

We live in a world composed of magnificent creations: from the solar system and all it is composed of down to the smallest forms of being. We live in a world that has been so artistically composed whether purposely created by a higher form of being or by a scientifically interpreted big bang. But where is the beauty in living in a world composed, governed and preserved by humans that lack a sense of humanity?

Human of Cuba by Lara Sabry

No, indeed this is not about to be your jolly daily-read but do excuse my content for hope consists to lie in my very core but perhaps will not be reflected through the linguistic tone I have chosen to use in this piece of writing.

“It saddens me that there are those who are just as human as me in their physical being but are not as human in terms of the characteristics in which the term itself reflects”

Human of Cuba by Lara Sabry

Yes, it saddens me to think that there are those who starve to death and what I mean by that is that there are millions, billions and trillions of humans that breath the way I do, feel the way I do, share the same planet as myself and you, the reader, and are as much human as you and me but work for days and weeks, months and years for an income that may or may not afford them to buy a piece of bread that does not keep them or their children alive. A piece of bread to feed the children that suffer from malnutrition and weep as their organs painfully fail them. Fathers coming home (by home I do not mean a roof but an occupied space of nothingness) to a child that is no longer able to move a limb because the child’s last organ has given up its last beat. Yes it saddens me and it should sadden you too.

It saddens me that there are humans that do not feel as saddened as me. It saddens me that there are those who are just as human as me and you but are less fortunate for why have we been brought up to be more fortunate? We are no more human, no better nor more characteristically privileged to deserve to be born in better circumstances than them.

Humans of Angola by Lara Sabry

Yes it saddens me to constantly come across voiceless and harmless animals that are viciously torn, laying motionless in the middle of the streets. It saddens me to watch all that is living be abused by others that are equally human but unequally humane. It saddens me to know that the abuse has caused the death of many and the extinction of more. It saddens me that humanity has lost its meaning.

It saddens me that we have become so incredibly determined to climb the ladder of what can only be defined as social and political structures of complete bullshit. That as a human we have come to terms so passively with the structures that have conditioned us to seek success in the form of a written position on a business card. It saddens me that we are more determined to sustain a corporation rather than sustain the well-being of a living thing. It saddens me that success can not be attributed to saving a life, sheltering a homeless and voiceless animal or preserving nature.

Syrian Refugees of Athens by Lara Sabry

It saddens me that our pure souls have been poisoned by greed that has become limitless in its ability to seek destruction. We have become masters of the diffusion of responsibility, claiming to be humane and linguistically convincing ourselves and those dear to us that we seek change, the existence of a better world and the well-being of others whilst our souls can not reflect such pure intentions. We have lost our ability to empathize and cause change but rather have chosen to sympathize with the suffering overs only through a glass screen. We have become masters of words and failures of action.

We have and continue to strip the world off of what it owns only to be socially respected whilst others only seek survival.

Do not displace your inability to empathize on the fact that you too have suffered losses, for if you have suffered the loss of a loved one, millions out there suffer the exact loss on a daily basis.

Do not blame your poor intentions to the way you have been brought up or the world in which you live for you are the master of your own life and the creator of your own path and you too are part of that world that you blame. It saddens me that humans like me and you, living in such a world still claim to indulge no harm upon the planet in which they occupy or the humans they co-exist with for your motionless good intention is no more than a greedy thought that you have created to re-assure yourself that you are a good human being. A motionless good intention consisting of pure bullshit.

Child of Namibia by Lara Sabry

It saddens me that we rely on organizations such as the United Nations that have asserted loyalty to their name, to aid the survival of those unable to aid their own when in reality it is the organization’s interest that is pursued not that of the vulnerable humans in need.

What saddens me most is that this piece of writing will be of almost no interest to many and if it is the argument raised will follow the question of: “What is there to do? that’s the way things are”.

What saddens me is that it takes more than words to reach one’s consciousness to aware one of his own being and the power one human being holds in making a difference. If there’s no will there’s no way. Be a human, be humane and gain an understanding of the thin line that lies between aiding humanity and being part of a political and social structure that makes you believe that you are aiding humanity.



Lara Sabry

An Admirer and Traveler. From Story-telling to Travel Guides.