Cannibalism Today: Aghori Monks of India

Lara Sabry
3 min readJun 24, 2016


Cannibalism, the known yet undefined act of a human feeding on another human being, For years, practices of Cannibalism have either: frightened or entertained humans and although some might perceive Cannibalism as merely an act for the ill and one that has no cultural, traditional or religious link: you may want to think again.

By Cristiano Ostinelli

India’s Mystic Cannibals: Beliefs

“By being unholy, they feel holy”

It is in the city of Varanasi where India’s mystic cannibals are found to be, creating a tribal community that Indians claim to fear.

By Cristiano Ostinelli

These monks are known in their reversed way of thinking. They are Shaivites, meaning that their religious views are guided by Shiva (a Hindu God): known to be the god of destruction. However, their beliefs are not directed towards Shiva but towards Kina Ram, who is believed to be an incarnation of Shiva.

By Cristiano Ostinelli

Due to their worshiped god, the aghori monks believe in the existence of an equal world where the terms “good” and “bad” seize to exist. They therefore, do not believe in the existence of opposites and claim them to be “indistinguishable from one another”.

If you were to think that the Aghori monks lack an understanding of the rational functionalities of the world we live in, the monks would care to differ.

With hardly any communication with outsiders, the monks believe that others are ignorant for living a world of illusion.

MMAF Rituals:

Marijuana, Meditation, Alcohol and Flesh

There are four components that play a vital role in the traditional rituals of the Aghori monks. Marijuana along with alcohol is often used to help provide these monks with a peaceful state of mind, one that is needed to undergo meditation.

By Cristiano Ostinelli

“The Aghori seek to free themselves from the cycle of reincarnation by realizing their own place within the absolute”

Through meditation the monks seek inner strength to guide them into becoming indifferent. With an urge to establish enlightenment, the monks are constantly seen smoking Marijuana as they claim it helps enhance spiritual experiences and increase their concentration abilities.

By Cristiano Ostinelli

The aghori monks seek to destroy the idea of the “self” in order to become part of Shiva. In order to do so they must break their emotions of fear and disgust and ultimately, to avoid leaving a mark on earth. It is for that reason that monks avoid sexual and/or emotional engagement. They do not marry nor do they feel but they rather behave to admire all as equal.

Flesh & Equality

To admire equality and defeat the opposites, the Aghoni monks are guided by the idea of sacrifice: a term that is reflected in the slaughtering of pigs, sheep, chicken, goats and even humans.

By Cristiano Ostinelli

They believe that each sacrifice made, provides them with direct contact with Shiva and surrounding spirits that often grant their desires.

In a further attempt to admire equality, the monks are known to drink their own urine in skulls of previously slaughtered humans as an act of respect.

“If one goes hungry, one must die in order for the other to live”



Lara Sabry

An Admirer and Traveler. From Story-telling to Travel Guides.