Virtual Machines vs Containers: A Brief Introduction and Key Differences for DevOps

Ammar Mohammad Anwar
3 min readSep 8, 2024




In the practice of DevOps, beginners can easily feel overwhelmed by its many components. Today, we will focus on two essential technologies that often come up when discussing Deployment Strategies, Virtual Machines and Containers. Despite both providing isolated environments for applications, they differ in how they operate and where each is used. This blog aims to clarify these differences and guide beginners in making informed choices between them.

What is Deployment?

In the context of DevOps, deployment refers to the process of releasing or delivering software applications to a production environment where they can be used by end-users. This includes tasks like configuring servers, setting up databases, and ensuring the application runs smoothly after being launched.

For instance, deploying a web application could involve moving the code from a developer’s machine to a live server where users can access it.

What Are Virtual Machines?

Virtual Machines (VMs) are a compute resource that use software instead of physical computers to run programs and deploy applications. These run on Hypervisors, which manage multiple VMs on a single physical server, helping to optimize hardware resources, and have their own Operating System. VMs are often thought of as virtual computers or software-defined computers within physical servers.


  • Full control over the OS
  • Ability to run different OS versions
  • Enhanced security due to isolated environments


  • High resource consumption
  • Slower to boot and manage compared to containers

What are Containers?

Containers are a standard unit of software that package up code and all its dependencies so the application runs quickly and reliably from one computing environment to another. These are lightweight and share the host operating system’s kernel but keep applications isolated. Tools like Docker simplify the management of containers. In addition to Docker, orchestration tools like Kubernetes help manage and scale containers across different environments


  • Fast startup and shutdown times
  • More efficient in resource use
  • Easy to deploy across different environments


  • Less isolation than VMs
  • Compatibility issues with the host OS can arise

When to use Virtual Machine vs Container

Uses for Virtual Machines:

  • Legacy Applications: This is the best for older systems that need to run different OS environments.
  • Full isolation: This is ideal when high security and complete separation between applications are required.
  • Testing multiple OS versions: This is great for running multiple operating systems on one machine.

Uses for Containers:

  • Microservices: Containers excel in environments where applications are split into smaller, manageable units.
  • Cloud environments: Containers are perfect for cloud-native applications that need to scale quickly.
  • Development and testing: Containers are lightweight and this nature makes them ideal for rapid iteration and testing.

Both technologies serve important purposes depending on the specific needs of your project.

Key Differences:

Summary of Key Differences


In DevOps, both Virtual Machines and Containers have distinct roles. VMs provide full system isolation and are best for running multiple OS environments, while containers offer speed and flexibility, perfect for scalable, cloud-based apps. Ultimately, the choice between VMs and containers should be guided by the specific demands of your application.

