
Miss Bosieh
1 min readAug 25, 2018

A poem.

She’s beautiful, bold and fiery.

Her love burns your soul to ashes, yet you hunger for it , hunger for more.

Hunger for that touch that feels like hot lava descending in all its majesty on your body ,

That slow heat in your loins, that heartbeat which matches the screams of her climax,

Hunger to see the excitement shine in her eyes like a sky full of stars, the moodiness in her half bit lip,

Hunger to feel her anger in the low pitched notes and amusement in chime like laughs that ring so sweetly in your ears

Hunger to feel her conviction in her bold stride, her mischief in her corner smile and seductive stare

Hunger to see her smile outshine the sun, her anger surpass a wild storm

Hunger to taste her fears from her shivers, dissolve her tears with a wish and swallow her cries with your kisses,

Hunger to see that fire torch your demons and delight your angels,

You Hunger for more, never less.

Who’s she, that you hunger so much for??



Miss Bosieh

Lover of life, On a journey to happiness, documenting each step.