First Go At Cyber Patriot!

3 min readNov 7, 2018


A short blog about my first experience with Cyber Patriot(round 1).


I’m a student at Waipahu High School. For my cyber security class, we had to participate in Cyber Patriot. My first thought about Cyber Patriot, was that it was going to be my grave. I honestly believed that i was not going to be up to the task, and that my team was going to only get like 10 points in round one.

As we began to actually start round one of Cyber Patriot, I quickly learned that it is way easier than I anticipated. My team and I were getting points left and right. In just 1 hour, we already got about 50 points. I was mainly working on the windows ISO, and It was really simple and easy. Well, at least it was easy at the beginning.

As we began to actually start round one of Cyber Patriot, I quickly learned that it is way easier than I anticipated. My team and I were getting points left and right. In just 1 hour, we already got about 50 points. I was mainly working on the windows ISO, and It was really simple and easy. Well, at least it was easy at the beginning.

LINK: Getting them points!

As time went on and we got all the quick and easy points, my whole team started slowing down as we got to the more difficult parts. We started top get stump, not knowing what to do to gain more points. This lasted for quite a while, until we looked deeper into the read me. We read the read me more thoroughly, which lead to us being able to squeeze out some more points from the ISOs. We ended up getting about 84 points on Windows, and 92 points on Linux. Way better than I expected.

The Networking quiz was terrible. None of us had any clue about the questions it was asking. We resorted to using google to research the questions it asked us and hope that it was correct. We ended up getting half of them right, so that helped our final score at least a little bit. The Packet tracer was straight up super death. If death had an evolution like in Pokemon, That is what the packet Tracer was like. None of us had any clue how to do it, nor did any of us wanted to even try, so we did not do any of the Packet Tracer.

LINK: An image of friends on a computer

It was a lot of tough work, but having friends there really lightened the mood and made this experience a lot better. We would mess around a little and tell jokes to each other. All the food and support from out teachers and instructors was a big help in keeping our spirits up. Especially all that pizza. I really like pizza :).

All in all, round one of Cyber Patriot was a fun and way easier experience than I thought. I really enjoyed it, and I have more confidence In my Cyber Security knowledge. Having friends and support from teachers and instructors helped out a ton and made the mood of the classroom a lot brighter. This may of been only round one, but I’m hoping that my experience with round two is really similar, because I honestly enjoyed it.


Thanks for taking your time to read my blog :)

If you have more time, check out my other blogs in the links down below.

