Cantine & Other Shelters

Patrick La Roque
3 min readAug 2, 2022


Life’s full of seasons, they say, and we should expect change. But with kids there’s this twenty-year long illusion, where change is such a constant that you eventually stop noticing. You become another organism, full of arms and legs and bobbing heads, moving as one, always. Your identity as a single individual is suspended, every decision multiplied and questioned.

And it lasts long enough to make you believe it’ll go on forever.

It’s August. Already, we’re counting down to a new school year. The last one before Jacob leaves home for university. The last one before Anaïs moves on to CEGEP, leaving her sister on her own again (not that she’ll mind — well, not openly anyway).

But until then, we have hot dogs and poutine and the rush of speeding cars on a highway.
The languid dance of seemingly unending days.

Cantine & Other Shelters was also published at (this link will take you away from Medium). Images by the author. All rights reserved.



Patrick La Roque

Photographer, speaker and writer. Official Fujifilm X-Photographer and member of KAGE Collective.