Larry Kenny
3 min readApr 5, 2016

Spring clean your life

Spring is frequently seen as another beginning; a time to make new start as you strip away the winter layers, both metaphorically and physically. When you forget about things that do not serve you in the present moment whether it is your heavy winter jacket or a deadly friendship you create room for new chances, new growth, and new experience. Here is how;

Clean your home: It is essential to make your house attractive, Plant things in your garden and get flowers into the house. Clean your house, wash your walls and your curtains and clean up your cupboards. Household clutter can add tremendously to stress in people’s lives. It is one of the things that is right behind people’s minds but never gets done although it does not take much time to sort.

Clean up your relationships: Many people hold on to unhappy relationships and friendships, hoping that quantity is essential than quality with regards to the people in their lives. Nevertheless, if they have been bringing you down for some time and there is no resolution in sight, it may be time to center on those people who make you feel happy.

Figure out your finances: If you wish to start afresh with a clear mind and a clean slate, the best things to do is to get your finances organized. While it may be frightening to examine your financial state, going on in ignorance will only cause your worries to eat away at you and can even result in a worse situation later on. Make a plan to reduce whatever you don’t have to be splurging on, like your morning cup of tea or that elaborate store-bought lunch.

Career and professional life: If this is a spot that you think need some work, you will not manage to do anything serious given that you must ensure an income for yourself. Nevertheless, if your career or job has been making you sad, it may be time to turn your focus to this area and for many people; professional life has a great effect on our self-esteem and identity.

Clean your mind: Occasionally, take some time to slow down and reconsider how you feel about your entire life, where are you now and where are you willing to be? You can start meditating once per week or once per day.

Health and physical body: The state of your body deeply influences both how you feel and how you think. If you by pass exercise and fill your body with refined food and chemicals, you will not feel inspired, energized and alive.

Dust off your talents: To add some pleasure back in to your schedule, try setting up a hobby again that you used to enjoy or be proficient in. If you discover that your love is not there anymore then proceed to another thing with so many activities you can get to try, you are certain to find something that you love,click here to view more on spring cleaning our lives .

Refresh your routine: Spring is the best time to change up your routine. Leave your winter workout rut and improve your whole fitness by branching out and attempting a new form of training.