Groomed to be a Hotwife (Part 2)

Larry Archer
8 min readApr 9, 2023

Rachel discovers unfulfilled needs after celebrating her fortieth birthday then visiting an adult movie theater. She begins to realize that she wants to be more than a housewife, and one man is not enough for her.

Click here for the previous part.

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Rachel’s mind was in turmoil after coming home from the adult theater, and her body was on fire. Sucking off the stranger beside her seemed to have awakened desires she’d never felt before. Her husband, Troy, was satisfied having wacked off in the adult movie theater and ignored her hints of having actual sex when they got home.

She lay in bed as the scenes from watching Shona River on the movie screen continued to play out in her mind. Rachel thought about getting up and watching one of the DVDs she had bought but knew she needed the sleep. She could still taste the man’s semen in her mouth and, like the dirty slut she was, didn’t brush her teeth before bed.

Running her tongue against the inside of her cheek, Rachel savored the last of the stranger’s deposit as she wondered what had come over her. I was never like this before, She thought as her body continued to burn with strange desires. The adult actress Shona seemed so sweet and innocent. She was just like the girl next door except for the minor fact that she had taken a huge cock up her ass.

Rachel pulled up her nightgown and stroked her pussy which had been dripping wet all night. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d played with herself. But now, her brain seemed full of obscene thoughts as her fingers slipped easily between the wet folds of her labia.

Pushing deep into her needy hole, she pictured the man from the theater on top thrusting inside her. It was strange; I can’t remember what he looked like. But I can picture his dick even if his face is a fuzzy blur, Rachel thought as she licked her lips. The memory of rubbing the head of his dick across her mouth was still as vivid as before, and she could recall how the shaft had pulsed with every rope of hot cum he’d fired into her throat.

One of her girlfriends told her that her husband had shot off in her mouth, and the taste made her throw up. Giggling to herself, Rachel thought, Not only would I not upchuck, I would have swallowed every drop!

Finally, she fell asleep, but that was even worse. Rachel’s dreams came fast and furious, one after the other. Somehow she was in the movie with Shona all over her. The guys fucked both of them, and Rachel couldn’t believe everything they did. It seemed so real as she performed one obscene sex act after another. None of her holes were unused, and she welcomed all of the cocks no matter how huge or how many they were. The taste of their cum was so erotic, and it seemed as if every man wanted her mouth or ass.

As demanding as the men who took her repeatedly, Shona was the naughty schoolgirl who thrilled her with her talented tongue and fingers. Rachel had never had a female lover before, yet it seemed completely natural to enjoy the pleasures of another woman. The scent and smells were intoxicating as she tasted Shona’s forbidden holes and probed her deeply. Pulling her dripping-wet fingers out of the porn star’s pussy and sucking them clean was an automatic reflex.

The whole time she was with Shona, in her dreams, Rachel was ravaged by one or more of the men. Like the movie she’d watched, having a large cock in both holes while she and Shona sucked dick together made her come over and over. The notion of cheating on her husband never entered her mind as the erotic pleasures of group sex burned out any thought of resisting her body’s demands.

When dawn finally arrived, Rachel was exhausted after having been fucked all night, even if it was only in her dreams. As she awoke, Rachel discovered that she was sucking her fingers, and the taste in her mouth confirmed where her fingers had been if they weren’t in her mouth. Luckily, her husband had left for work, and Rachel hoped he didn’t notice her antics. However, unlike most dreams, the ones she’d had last night were still vivid memories, and it was hard to believe they were only fantasies. She was still dripping wet from all the nasty things she’d done, and her fingers automatically went into her mouth without thinking.

Why haven’t I noticed how good I taste before? Rachel asked herself as she inspected herself in the mirror. Luckily, I don’t have SLUT written across my forehead, She giggled to herself as the implications of her dreaming continued to hit her.

Taking one of the DVDs she’d purchased, Rachel put it in the player and turned on the big-screen television. Since no one was home, Rachel pulled off her nightgown. Her panties were dripping wet, and with a giggle, Rachel slipped them off. As the movie started playing, it seemed a little strange to be naked in the family room. She impatiently hit the fast-forward to skip the opening credits.

Rachel was amazed at how sweet and innocent Shona looked in the movie. However, her actions made it clear that she was a nasty girl. Before she knew it, Rachel had two fingers buried in her pussy as she watched the young girl get serviced. Watching Shona fuck herself with a big dildo made Rachel want to try the same thing.

By the time the movie was over, Rachel was beyond horny. She’d given up trying to tell herself that sucking her fingers clean was depraved and relished the taste as her fingers went between her wet pussy and needy mouth. The more she sucked the girl cum off her fingers, the more she needed. I need something big in my cunt, she thought to herself and tried to figure out how to scratch her itch.

Rachel decided I’ll just run up to the dirty bookstore and talk to the saleswoman about my fantasies. The woman indicated that she was a swinger and would certainly understand my sudden onslaught of erotic desires.

She started to wear a typical dress but stopped when she remembered the ultrashort minidress she had on last night with her boobs hanging out and knew that she had to keep up appearances. But her everyday knee-length dresses were too conservative. Going through her closet, she flipped each dress, rejecting one after the other. Then she saw her white pleated tennis skirt. Pulling it out, Rachel held the short skirt out to look at it.

Rachel thought, I bought this when I thought of taking tennis lessons but was too embarrassed to wear the skirt out. Today, looking at the skirt made her drip with desire. With the right top, no one will realize this is a tennis skirt. Paired with a halter top should work, Rachel said to herself.

Digging through a dresser drawer, she found the top she wanted. It was almost brand new, as the material was so thin, you could practically see through it. Rachel had never found a bra that looked good under the top and had left it in the drawer. The only thing left was panties, as she wasn’t brave enough to go commando. At least not yet! Then she remembered the gift she’d gotten along with the birthday minidress she’d ordered. It was a red thong that she’d been ashamed to hold, much less consider trying it on. But, of course, that was the old Rachel!

After a quick shower and a satisfying orgasm from the showerhead on pulse mode, she did her makeup a little heavier than usual. The anticipation quickly ramped up as she slipped the thong on and carefully adjusted the thin strap between her butt cheeks. Then, standing in front of the full-length mirror, Rachel got her phone and took several selfies of herself in only the red thong and heels.

Stepping into the tennis skirt, Rachel zipped it up and checked out the view. Fuck, I’m hot! She thought as she looked at herself, standing topless with the tiny skirt that barely covered her behind. Grabbing her iPhone, Rachel took several more pictures as she transitioned from dull hausfrau to slut.

Rachel had already accepted being a liberated woman, and the bra was out. She had never thought much about her breasts, but now she carefully inspected them. A C-cup but nice and pointy, she thought as she twisted her nipples. Her normally puffy nipples quickly hardened to her touch, and pulling on them caused the areolas to shrivel up into hard nubs. Using her iPhone, Rachel took several close-ups to study later.

Lifting her boobs, Rachel found she could suck the nipples, and in her mind, Shona was working her over. She could even feel the nasty porn star’s fingers deep in her pussy. Realizing that if she didn’t stop, she’d be naked in bed, Jilling off, and her big toy would still be at the dirty book store. Unhooking Shona’s mouth from her nipple, Rachel gave her a long tongue-filled kiss and promised that she could suck them later.

Shona pouted and sat on the bed with her legs spread for Rachel. She could visualize the actress sitting on the edge of the bed playing with herself as she watched Rachel get dressed. Blowing Shona a kiss, Rachel slipped the halter top over her head and pulled it down to cover her boobs. The top ended right below her jugs and exposed her smooth tanned tummy. The tennis skirt rode low on her hips, and she could hear Shona whistling at the view while licking her lips.

The thin top did nothing to hide the outline of her erect nipples, and the outline of her dusky-colored areolas clearly showed through the material. Buffing her nubs made them even stiffer, and poked through the material. Looking in the mirror, Rachel posed with one hip pushed out and snapped a shot. Then bending over, she took some more with the cheeks of her ass showing. Shuddering at the thought of the men at the adult theater getting upskirt shots, Rachel resisted the urge to rub her clit as it called out to her.

Taking a few more selfies, Rachel could see that she was definitely a hot package. Going through the pictures, she decided to save the nudes for later. She needed to ensure that Troy wanted to fuck the new Rachel when he got home.

Picking out a couple of front and back images of her in her miniskirt, halter top, and heels, Rachel sent them to her husband with the text, “Going shopping. Be back later.”

The reply was instantaneous, “WHAT! Dressed like that?”

Giggling, she replied, “Do you approve?”

“You’re the hottest woman I’ve ever seen, but you can’t go out like that,” Troy replied. “What will the guys think?”

“Let me know when you are in the bathroom, and I’ll send you a better shot to help you finish! LOL”

Picking up her phone and purse, Rachel gave herself a final look in the mirror and told Shona, “Keep it warm for me, and I’ll clean you up when I get back!”

To be continued in Part 3 . . .

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Larry Archer

Author of adult erotic stories about swingers, hotwives, and unicorns in electronic and paperback forms. “Erotica with a plot.”