The Journey to a Book Deal: Navigating Tech, Race, and Self-Doubt


Larry Gray
3 min readSep 26, 2023

I am writing a book called “Mastering Python: The Problem Solving Approach”. Signing a book deal is a really big deal, especially for me. I am not the typical tech guy, I am a Johns Hopkins-trained scientist with degrees in chemistry, biology, and physiology. Not to mention, I’m Black. Not the picture-perfect Tech Bro. Thus, it feels like a huge achievement. Today, I want to share with you the excitement, the fears, and the inspiration that led me to this point.

A Milestone for Representation

Being a Black man in tech comes with its own set of challenges, but it also presents an opportunity to contribute meaningfully to a community that I deeply care about. This book deal isn’t just a personal win; it’s a testament to the changing tides of diversity and representation in the tech world.

The Spark Before the Ink

As soon as the editor told me that he was inclined to send a contract after I made some changes to my proposal. As soon as the proposal was sent and Before changes were accepted. I began writing and researching. I was on a 3-hour flight, hunched over as I typed out two pages on my iPhone. Passion has a way of taking over, and I couldn’t wait to share my thoughts, ideas, and solutions with the world.

A Rollercoaster of Emotions

I can’t believe it; one moment, I’m elated and running on a high from my recently published Udemy course; the next, I have adrenaline pumping through my veins as I present the best talk of my life at the last-ever StrangeLoop conference. Now I have a rush of emotion because of the book deal, and I’m gripped by fear, questioning if I have 300 captivating pages within me. It’s a challenge, but one that I’m hopeful of meeting head-on.

A Nod from the Creator

What added an extra layer of excitement to this journey was a congratulatory message from Guido van Rossum, the creator of Python himself. To receive recognition from someone who has had such a monumental impact on the tech world is both surreal and incredibly motivating.

Learning from Past Experiences

This isn’t my first rodeo with a publishing opportunity. I had previously engaged with an acquisition editor at O’Reilly for a book on the Python open-source project “Yellowbrick.” Although they were keen on my proposal, the overwhelming nature of the task led me to step back. I took it as a learning curve rather than a setback.

The Right Time and The Right Place

Being at the right place at the right time is what ultimately made everything sync. A friend just finished a book, and I saw it as an opportunity to ask for an introduction to her editor. That led to a fruitful discussion that culminated in a book deal for a book that resonated deeply with me. It wasn’t just a rehash of my course but an idea that came to life in an honest and warm conversation where the vibe was just right.


This will be a humbling experience. It will be a quest of endurance and grit. There will be days when I don’t want to write, but I promise now to do this for those who started from the bottom, like myself.

