Larry Kelly
1 min readApr 26, 2017


Jay, in 2003, my wife and I went to H&R block to get our taxes done. After everything was said and done, the tax specialist let me know that I still owed $5600.00. As I wrote the check, I heard a woman crying at the cubicle next to ours. I asked the woman if she was OK and she said “I’m not crying because I’m sad, these are tears of joy. I just got a tax credit in the amount of $5600.00”

This was the first year for the Earned Income Child Tax Credit. This is when I really understood what “transfer of wealth” means. Mind you, this woman and I were about the same age. She was probably a single mother and barely making it. I’m sure the $5600.00 was more money than she ever had at one time in her life. I felt no ill-will toward her.

So because my wife and I were still married, went to school, worked hard and made good choices, the government decided to take $5600.00 from me and give it to her. Trust me, this is when I became a devout conservative.

The irony is that my financial life continues to improve, while many people like her stagnate. The government ultimately didn’t help her or me.



Larry Kelly

“Is it Really Complex? Or, Did We Just Make it Complicated?”