Laurent Beauchemin
Laurent Beauchemin

Laurent Beauchemin


19 stories

The image contrasts traditional targeted marketing with hyper-personalization. On the left side, it shows a group of customers divided into targeted and non-targeted segments. Targeted customers are grouped into three offers: Offer A, Offer B, and Offer C, leaving many customers untargeted. On the right side, the concept of hyper-personalization is depicted, where each customer receives a hyper-customized offer tailored specifically to their unique preferences. This visual illustrates the shift
Illustration of a woman using AI technology for studying and learning.
Laurent Beauchemin

Laurent Beauchemin

Stratégies pédagogiques et apprentissage

68 stories

Illustration of people popping out of screens while holding hands.
Laurent Beauchemin

Laurent Beauchemin


25 stories

Candid photo of a classroom three college students looking at the same laptop on the table in front of them. In the background, three other people are in conversation.
A man, in a casual business attire, teling a story to an audience of people in business and dress suits
Laurent Beauchemin

Laurent Beauchemin

RV-RA++++UX-Design numérique

35 stories

A driver’s view of a coastal road is augmented with AR navigation prompts, indicating a turn onto Temple St. in 0.3 miles.
Laurent Beauchemin

Laurent Beauchemin

Outils interactifs

32 stories

Laurent Beauchemin

Laurent Beauchemin

Jeux vidéo éducatifs- Gaming

25 stories