10 Best Combat Sports That Get You Ripped.

Larry Walterson
7 min readMar 4, 2020

Hello people! Who among us hasn’t dreamed of looking like Jason Statham, Zack Efron or like Whitney Simmons.

Mind you, it does take a lot of effort and determination. It’s not a walk in the park. Apart from the obvious options, going to the gym, you can always pick up a spot.

If you don’t know this already, then this article can help you decide. Just check out the following for the

10 Best Combat Sports That Get You Ripped


This physical and mental discipline is known as the “ Art of the 8 Limbs”. Thai boxing is a form of martial art originating from Thailand. It resembles American kick-boxing, but also implies the use of your knees and elbows. Hence the nickname.


Muay Thai concentrates on heavy conditioning and it’s designed to greatly enhance your level of fitness and toughness. Get used to their hell-ish training regime, and you’ll start losing weight and adding pure lean muscle in no time.

Muscle endurance, force production, are just some of the benefits gained. Not to mention the strengthening of the core and increase mobility and agility. All the striking, clenching, and kicking that you perform during training.

You’ve surely witnessed this infamous movies, starring trained actors such as Jean-Claude Van Damme and Tony Jaa.

SOURCE: 7 Muay Thai Gym, Oct 2016


It is a Korean martial art focusing on kicks. It is extremely popular, having more than 70,000,000 practitioners world wide. Having its head-quarters at Kukkiwon, it has even been introduced to the Olympics in 2000.

Training is interesting since you’ll have to build strong tone legs, increase your agility and flexibility. But the benefits are worth it.

One of the best combat sports to get you in shape as the whole body exercised from fingers to toes, thus creating lean fat-free muscles tissue.

Should you decide to start training? Just know that you’re following the footsteps of celebrities like Jackie Chan and Chuck Norris who are masters in this particular martial art as well as other professionals.

Let’s take it one step at a time. Ever wondered where all those fancy kicks that send villains flying come from? Et voilà! TAEKWONDO! All the way.

SOURCE: JDubz, Oct 2013


It’s a Japanese martial art and Olympic sport that boosts your training program, motivating you to adopt a truly dedicated lifestyle in itself.


Judo strength training regimen includes free weights. The exercises are done with proper technique and ensures that the appropriates and intensities are used for the individual’s level of fitness.

Combining physical activity with self-defence skills, and even breathing calming exercises, are the makings of an awesome activity that’ll also help you get fit but keep you motivated as well.

Did you know that martial art legend and actor Steven Seagal, was the first to operate a dojo in Japan? Not to mention that even the ladies love and enjoy practicing judo.


Made famous in the western world by Donnie Yang, Ipman movies. It has realized fared interest and gathered practitioners ever since.

Keeping your muscles in traction when punching or blocking, will help you build your muscle fibre. People would start noticing how good your arms look.

Wing Chun lightening and fast strikes, means that you would start getting toned in a heartbeat. Training your reflexes and coordination, your speed and power is a big plus when it comes to this martial arts.

It’s also a great workout to release stress after a long day at work and in order to clear your mind.

You don’t have to believe this, just take a look at “the master” Bruce Lee. Wing Chun was the first martial art that he learned.

Another more modern cinematic example, is the Dark Night himself, “Christian Bale ‘’ has trained in Wing Chun and displayed such moves in the Batman trilogy.

SOURCE: Melbourne Ri Chu Kung Fu and Jeet Kune Do Academy, Nov 2015


It’s all about throwing skills, takedowns and fast ground work. Using your drive and power throwing your opponent to the ground and holding him there, will get your fitness levels through the roof. No more huffing and puffing, just you can climb a set of stairs.

Training is Sambo makes you weight, sharpens your mental and physical dexterity, and makes you more agile and disciplined. . .to name just a few advantages.

A combat sport fit for a president. Vladimir Putin, the Russian president has been practicing Sambo since he was 14.

SOURCE: Huffingtonpost.com Aug 2013, Vadim Kolganov Sport, Feb 2016


It is a civilian combat system developed using a variety of some of the most efficient techniques. It’s used mainly for self-defense.

However, there is a militarized version employed in actual combat. Krav Maga has one of the most extreme physical workouts based on drills and conditioning.

Imagine throwing kicks and punches at full strength for a few minutes. Exhausting right? This alone should tell you that hard work is necessary.

But with hard work, comes great success as well. And your body has nothing to lose and everything to gain from yourself to such training and environment committing.

Practitioners have tremendous high metabolic rates which means they burn all the fat on their body constantly and developing increase in speed, endurance, and strength.

“Undisputed” film actor, Scott Adkins used it to get in shape for his scene and close up.

SOURCE: Korea Krav Maga Association, Feb 2013


Also known as French Boxing, it is an entertaining sport for all ages that helps with your mobility and conditioning. An efficient and elegant style of kickboxing. You’ll find it useful in a ring.

Working with both your hands and feet will ensure full body training and develop many muscles.

A Savator, will experience elevated levels of cardiovascular fitness, strength in his core, intensified flexibility, and why not, even boost his self-confidence.

SOURCE: Gong-G Or No Gi, Oct 2016

You can’t forget the classic movie “Universal Soldier”, where Dolph Lundgren used SAVATE to be the cunning and a formidable villain.

SOURCE: frontrowfeatures.com


Strong as a tiger and fast as a jaguar, Pencak Silat was developed in Indonesia by using animal movements and nature surroundings.

Bring out the beast inside you and get fit with this unique martial art. Training with your own bodyweight means that you no longer need those lengthy boring marathons on the treadmill, just so you can lose a few kilos

And Pencak Silat training involves a lot of bag work, skipping and high intensity cardio. All in preparation for the sparring focus drills that will wear you out and get you into shape quickly. If you have the determination to go through with them.

SOURCE: Hugo Tronche, Apr 2016


This Brazilian combat sport is a mix of dance, acrobatics, and music. Using power, speed and fast spins.

The practitioners deliver fast and accurate kicks from low angle that surprises the opponent. Training like this, involves your core and those abs would start popping, and all to the rhythm of drums. How’s that special?!

Capoeira training builds muscle fibre and enhances breathing and blood flow. And high coordination eventually training your body into a fine tuned machine.

And who doesn’t want that?!!


This form of Jiu-Jitsu that emphasized grappling techniques and ground fighting, was made popular by the Gracie family.

Sparring will give you a hell of a workout as well as trapping your opponent and making him tap-out.

Your sense of balance would be off the chart. A core principle of this martial art, is that you didn’t focus on strength that much, rather relying on your flexibility and agility.

Police officers around the world, use these nonlethal techniques to apprehend and arrest suspects.

MMA legend and actor Reddy Kurtsin used Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu to win the UFC tournament many times in various weight categories.

Just curious to know. . . Have you ever practiced a combat sport?

