Claude 3 Opus vs. GPT-4o vs. Gemini 1.5 ⭐ — Multilingual Performance

Performance Analysis of Leading LLMs

Lars Wiik
7 min readMay 24, 2024


Radar Chart of OpenAI’s top performing models — (Red GPT-4o, blue GPT-4-turbo, green GPT-4)
Radar Chart of OpenAI’s top performing models — (Red GPT-4o, blue GPT-4-turbo, green GPT-4)

In this article, I analyze the multilingual performance of OpenAI’s GPT-4o against Anthropic’s Claude 3 Opus and Google’s Gemini 1.5.

I will present how each LLM performs in various languages such as Spanish, German, French, Portuguese, and Russian, as well as…



Lars Wiik

MSc in AI — LLM Engineer ⭐ — Curious Thinker and Constant Learner