Blockchain in the creative industry and education

LarsGoran Bostrom
2 min readJun 23, 2018


The blockchain technology buzzing is everywhere via investors, entrepreneurs, even politicians and in higher education. As Harvard Business Review has termed it a foundational technology and global market forecasts show the prospects of an extraordinary growth the buzzword on everybody’s lips is very likely to turn into one of the main transformative forces to go further into the digital society.

The creative industry and education are two of the fields where blockchain can have a great impact. As I write in my book “Learning Design in Practice for Everybody”: “Blockchain that is used in the creative industry including the learning design field has the potential of introducing a designer centred model.” In this line of thinking, Ryo Takahashi writes at World Economic Forum: “It’s likely the case that creative work is in reality worth much more, but the problem is that creative work is undervalued due to all of the transaction frictions we see today.” These frictions blockchain can be diminished dramatically for instance by replacing conventional contracts, transparency of revenue generation and personal branding.

The venture capitalist Anjli Jain writes in Entrepreneur about the benefits with blockchain in the educational sector, with triggers like no intermediates, easy sharing and reduced costs. But at the same time, she points out that there are few examples of using this technology in this field today, and writes: “I can’t wait to see the way blockchain technology unfolds in coming years and how could I be a part of this by supporting startups working in this space.”

Written by
LarsGoran Bostrom

Author of the book Learning Design in Practice for Everybody

Originally published at eLearningworld.

