Master RxJs: Short-hand value selector

Lars Holdaas
The Startup
Published in
3 min readMar 16, 2020


Photo by Victoriano Izquierdo on Unsplash

Although the beauty of RxJs lies in solving problems asynchronously and by writing pipes that describe reactions to changes, sometimes you need to extract a value from a defined Observable and store it in a variable for use in a synchronous procedure.

An example would be preparing variables from various sources before potentially adding them as parameters to an HTTP-request.

Assuming we have a currentPlayer$ that holds the current player data, and we need to post this using another postPlayer() function, a commonly seen pattern would be something like this:

While this will often get the job done, there’s a couple of problems with this.

First, it’s verbose. It takes quite a lot of code to achieve relatively little, and it’s not very readable for programmers not already familiar with the pattern.

Second, in the case that currentPlayer$ is asynchronous, it will not work correctly. Depending on how the rest of the code looks, there’s a fair chance in this case it would fail silently and simply forward undefined to…



Lars Holdaas
The Startup

Web developer working in Japan. Passionate about maintanability and clean coding.