My whistleblower choice: be disparaged, arrested — or dead!

Laser Haas
7 min readSep 4, 2021


On Friday night, September 3, 2021 — I spent 2.4 hours of being handcuffed, after battering rams hit doors, police & FBI call out my last name; and automatic rifles, with spotlights were shined upon me.

This is what I get, after blowing a whistle on Goldman Sachs & Bain Capital organized crimes.

I, really can’t — get any respect!

I filed a case (see my filing story — here), after finally getting my first 2 SEC whistle blow case numbers (upon being blocked for years) — where my choices now appears to be — 1 of these 3…

  • Public humiliation
  • Incarceration
  • Death by assassination

Of course, many say there is option B -

I could simply give up & call it quits, as everybody knows, guys like Romney & Blankfein — always are — above the law!

That’s why no main stream media outlet is willing to tell the tale, that I’m trying to nail Goldman Sachs & Bain Capital’s racketeering gangs.

Be that as it may,, of the notion that I’m ever going to quit —

………….Fruk that idea!

UPDATE, September 6, 2021 6pm PST

The Department of Justice & FBI are making sure that I see they are paying heavy attention to me.

FBI & DOJ almost never — EVER — allows me to have social media print screen proof that they have looked at my case.

Today, on Holiday, the FBI looks at my websites, 5 times; and did it so I see they are doing it.

They (the crony corruots) are about to — try (again)— to make me back off!

As I told Balt FBI Paul Cavanaugh, CA FBI Paul Bertrand & DE FBI Scott Duffey — who helped threaten me for corrupt Federal prosecutors-Colm Connolly & Ellen Slights sake —

….. — F.. K - YOU!

I’ve got email proof!

Making me “back off” - or try to settle with me, and hope I’ll sign an NDA — is NEVER going to work.

My daughter was abducted, and associates are DEAD; including people who needed my help (like Marty Lackner who was partners Petters Ponzi).

On top of that, the crooks have done 100s of crimes, for billions of dollars, in fraud.

Just because everybody is chickenshit- doesn’t ever mean I’m going to abandon the fallen!

…..I’m NOT backing down — EVER!

This is “print screen” proof the FBI is looking at me, today 👇👇👇

Whistleblowing truths to power — costs

Justice is turned on its head as racketeers get filthy rich.

Reality Winner is released from jail, as Natalie May Edwards is going to jail; and Chevron’s corrupt prosecution has activist lawyer, Steven Donziger, facing jail!

Those 3 are American heroes. Our golden citizens extra ordinaire; who did the right thing, knowing they faced paying a price.

I’m just a guy from Queens, with a teenage felony record; whose friends & family disowned me — for not taking millions of dollars in bribes — to become a partner of dear ole, Mitt.

Yeah, sure, there are whistleblower’s like Birkenfeld, who got $100 million; but thats literally 1 in a million.

Of the 1000s of whistleblowing cases, people have never heard about — who really gives 2 jack chips about eToys?

……. I …!

It’s never been about me; it’s always about the 1% destroying U.S.

Truth be told, I’m just a guy, known as “Laser the Liquidator”; who was another Wall Street opportunist.

I actually had a desk at “1 Wall Street” when the World Trade Centers went down.

Had I been there, at Wall Street, instead of trying to be CEO of — then it is probable Goldman Sachs & Bain Capital — would get away with it all.

But — l — wasnt!

My job was to save eToys from bankruptcy by maximizing returns, at minimum expense; but the powers that be, didn’t see it that way.

Instead, Goldman Sachs & Bain Capital were being allowed, by a willfully blind Department of Justice, to bleed out a dozen public & private companie, for billions of dollars.

The crime spree was, at the same time, a monopoly, there for all to see.

Gone, now, by the same gangs, are, 60,000 jobs, as these entries were bled out & destroyed -

  • Kay-Bee
  • Zainy Brainy
  • BabiesR Us
  • Jumbo Sports
  • Gymboree
  • Stage Stores
  • Parent Company
  • FAO Schwarz
  • Toys"R"Us
  • eToys

Hiw these organized crimes are able to have so many “Get Out of Jail Free Cards” — is simply due to the fact — Frank Nitti has been the prosecutor of Al Capone cases.

Resultantly, Capone isn’t prosecuted!

This is what my whistleblowing has always been about. Organized crimes are evading justice; because Goldman Sachs & Bain Capital rackets have a pattern of corruption.

It’s never been about me.

Always been about what they are doing to U.S.!

Getting machine guns pointed at me, as I’m being arrested.

So, a week ago, I finally get my first 2, ever, SEC whistleblower cases numbers; concerning organized crimes by Goldman Sachs & Bain Capital.

You can see the details of that — HERE

Two days later, I’m alerted to the fact that someone from Romney’s town, has a Private Investigator, looking me up.

Then, just 2 days after that heads up, SWAT is at doors of my place, calling me out by last name, as a battering ram hits the doors.

I do the right thing, getting out of bed, turning on all the lights, opening my door, with my hands in the air (forgetting to put on my shoes).

Multiple automatic rifles, including a SWAT hum-v, tell me to walk to my right, arms up, to a squad of officers.

I consider myself blessed that they didn’t through me to the ground; because my arms are broken & ribs bruised by an accident.

For the next 2.4 hours, I’m called a liar — as the officers tell me, iver & iver, again & again, that I’m lying about who I am, and my date of birth is false.

As I’m left on the ground, cuffs behind my back, wondering what’s going to happen next —

…..I notice —

……..they never touched my roommate!

There are a dozen dead, in our eToys related cases; including a brother of a Federal prosecutor.

I own many websites — including &

During 20 years of fighting these — Above the Law organized crimes — some battles have been won.

It’s not about who I am; because I’m a wrong side if the tracks — nobody.

But these racketeers aren’t nobodies!

The crimes they are doing, are very consequential!

Regardless of, whether or not, I make it through this; Romney & Blankfein have benefited from organized crimes, in the billions of dollars, 60,000 jobs lost; with many public & private companies bled out of billions.

To protect the rackets from indictments, those companies were — deliberately- destroyed.

On top of all that, the corruption is visible; and people have been murdered.

My daughter was abducted, after Romney’s lawyer (Paul Roy Traub) had my own lawyer (Henry Heiman) email me a threat — to “back off” — or Else!

These officers who abused me, last night, are not the ones to blame

Just following orders; and I do doubt most of them have no idea, who I really am.

Fortunately, the truth is both inflexible and immortal!

It doesn’t matter if someone, someday, arrests me, falsely. Or if Mitt’s Ckear Channel 800 radio stations has someone disparage me to iHearts 100 million listeners.

Nor does it matter, if a bad cop says my cellphone was a gun, and I’m done in; as I’m sure Mitt will hire such as a very well paid, security.

I’m 65, and unlikely to make it till I’m 70.

What does matter, is truth & justice.

The truth is, Romney bragged about getting 100s of millions of dollars, from Bain Capital; and they have benefited from racketeering frauds.

It is also, forever true that (unlike Kay-Bee CEO, Michael Glazer taking his $18 million dollar bribe) — I told them to…

Take their bribe & shove it up their ass!

  • I’m NEVER quitting…



Laser Haas

Leading resistance against Wall St racketeers - and their crooked lawyers - arranged to be federal prosecutors & Judges who aid & abet!