Retired FBI Agent, Jane Turner, continues whistle blow on FBI failures

Laser Haas
3 min readJul 22, 2021


Many have written about David’s taking on Goliath’s; but few have written about Jane doing so.

Rolling Stone just interviewed retired FBI Agent, Jane Turner, to comment on the systemic failures to address abuse cases — like the recent case of Olympic Doctor, Larry Nassar.

Jane Turner pulls no punches, as Rolling Stone quotes her, in titling the article -

They Don’t Give a Shit’: Former Agent Says FBI Ignores Child Sex Abuse Cases

Retired Jane Turner continues to serve U.S.

I’ve been talking to Jane, for the last 2 years about how the FBI having a bad faith culture, buried within.

As pointed out by the Rollung Stone interview, Turner notes the FBI is 83% male; and predominantly white men.

Due to the general desire of those white men, wishing to pursue more glamorous cases — compounded by lack of training about sex crimes of children — the victims of such abuse, suffer, greatly.

These issues of lack of training, along with lack of motivation, continue to put a dark shadow on the integrity of America’s Federal Police.

Jane Turner fought the FBI — and she won

Former FBI (very) Special Agent, Jane Turner - fought the FBI retaliation of her, for her pointing out administrative failures.

As noted by Wikipedia ( here ) Jane won her case of $500,000.00 (reduced to a legal cap of $360,000.00); and her lawyers won legal fees of $1 million.

In 2015, the Senate held hearing on FBI retaliation that featured Jane Turner’s case; after the Government Accountability Office report on the FBI retaliation (that cited Jane Turner’s case).

FBI refusals to admit problems results in more harms

Obviously, the FBI was more dedicated to circling their Blue Wall of Silence wagons, against Special Agent, Jane Turner — rather than admit things need fixing.

As pointed out in the Rolling Stone article, the complaints against Larry Nassar weren’t addressed properly.

Compounding the issues, the FBI Agent, W. Jay Abott, who was presiding over the Larry Nassar case — falsified reports — and even tried to get a job with the Olympics.

Bad faith FBI Agent, W. Jay Abott, retired in 2018; apparently without punishment.

Jane Turner works Whistleblower Network News

Retired FBI Agent, Jane Turner, continues to serve our nation, remaining very busy.

Jane continues fighting for & supporting whisleblowers, as a reporter for Whistleblower Network News.

Currently, Jane Turner is swamped, in preparation for the Whistleblower Day conference, in Washington, D.C.; where SEC Chairman, Gary Gensler, Senator Chuck Grassley & others are notables to be speakers.

Additionally, Jane is interviewing many international whistleblowers, from a over the world.

I’m a we known whistleblower, in multiple cases — nationally significant & important — and Im impressed with the temerity and tenacity of Retired FBI Agent, Jane Turner.

She is a beacon of light, to all of us; and the FBI should rehire her, to help clean up their act!



Laser Haas

Leading resistance against Wall St racketeers - and their crooked lawyers - arranged to be federal prosecutors & Judges who aid & abet!