What is it with this one-upmanship bullchit?

Laser Haas
5 min readFeb 4, 2021


Most times, I try not to mention the facts that my efforts to get justice (that most characterize as whistleblowing) has been ongoing — for 20 years.

In discussions — online - with people I’ll likely never physically meet, to avoid being guilty of haughtiness; I will utilize the words “we", or “us" or “victims" as often as possible.

So much so, naysayers try to turn my efforts, upside down — by asking —

……Who is “we"

To which I respond, “we" means the victims of Wall Street schemes and/ or the Federal corruption protecting white collar organized crimes.

Next thing that happens, is that the snide, rude, haters and such , start in on me with bad faith banter, obfuscating — that -

….You haven’t ever had an attorney — or I’m not Bradley Birkenfeld — or the courts have shot me down for being “vexatious" or “insubstantial"…

I just don’t understand why people can’t allow anybody to have their say — without trying to , 1-up, somebody!


What is it with this one-upmanship bullchit?

Examples, infuriating, of 1-upmanship

Theres are real jovial, Aussie comedian, on LinkedIn, named Diana Nguyen; who is very sweet (always videos of her smiling & dancing).

When I like, or promote Diana Nguyen’s entertaining efforts, as she calls her shows “Snortcast" (because that’s her laugh) — people message me with one-upmanship snide swipes, like…

  • She’s not really a comedian
  • Australia doesn’t produce comics
  • Her jokes suck (which is bullchit)
  • There’s better stuff on Youtube

The list of (IMO disingenuous) efforts, to 1-Up, go on & on; and they suck.

Another nice lady, on LinkedIn (Alina Panduru) — has this sweet video of a grown man trying to show off his soccer skills (he misses the net), to a 12-year-old girl; but the haughtiness is shamed, when the little girl jukes the guy, and she scores.

Haters try to 1-Up with remarks that

  • Anybody can do that
  • The guy wasn’t a pro
  • Little girl is midget
  • Blah, blah, blah


Freelance writer, Victoria Tourist, often puts up sweet videos of puppies, monkeys hugging kittens, etc.

A recent, 6 million views strong posting, by Victoria, shows a wounded German Sheppard, doing a walk out of the hospital, to the applauding officers.


Once again, the hating, 1-uppers, try to claim superior ground, with hateful, 1-Up, B.S. remarks, like

  • Its only a dog; who arent “real” heroes
  • Why waste surgery $$ on a mutt
  • No one should applaud animals
  • My dog saved a bear
  • Dogs don’t know the law
  • (neither do most humans)

Shheesshh…..where do they get these hateful peoples!

Any dog in the line of duty — us a hero!

The list goes on and on…

LinkedIn’s Julie O’Connor constantly reports on schemes in Eastern Asia; and people message me to complain -

  • Julie isn’t a real reporter
  • News articles don’t belong here
  • The cases Julie reports aren’t news
  • Who cares about Asia crimes

Have they read the News about Malaysia 1MDB Goldman Sachs saga?

Sachs gets punished more quickly, for overseas frauds — far more readily — than here in the U.S.

I just don’t understand all the hate; or the need to hijack somebody’s thread!

Haters even go so far as to try to command a person remove their postings.

W T F???

Why can’t people just let others have their moment?

Nobody is forcing anybody to read a particular thread.


And it infuriates me when somebody quips that…

This is a professional site (so is WWE)..

Or…”politics don’t belong here"


Politics is everywhere — local, county, state & national — and its politicians who Shut/ Locked down our country.

And it is Politicians who frugged up handling the pandemic!

For 20 years now, I’ve been the target of 1 upmanship ridicules.

  • You’re not a real whistleblower
  • Nobody cares about your loss
  • Move on already
  • Wasnt a CEO, you were security guard
  • Your a vexatious litigant
  • Many people have bigger cases than yours

What …the…frigging..frug-up!!!

1st off, whistleblowing is truth telling; and anybody is allowed to blow a whistle.

2nd’ly — despite shadowban locking me down to 13K Twitter followers, for 7 years — I have WSJ, AP and other Editors, following me in social media; which means they care about something.

And nobody has the right to tell me to — Move On — from being a victim of organized crimes.

Furthermore, there’s no court order calling me a security guard!

On the notion there are bigger cases than our, Kay-Bee/Toys"R"Us/ eToys being closed — over 50,000 jobs lost — and a $100 Billiin being stolen; one would be extremely hard pressed to find a bigger one.

Perhaps Steven Donziger/ Chevron..

And, on the argument that I’m a vexatious litigator — YOU’RE DAMN RIGHT I AM…

Any victim of organized crimes has both a right — and a Duty — to “vex" the racketeers!

No 2 instances are the same. There’s always going to be a richer and poorer.

You are going to like, or not like, somebody.

Some like doggie pictures — others birds- and others adore mountain scenes.

We don’t hate all cops or politucuans; but we do despises those who abuse power.

The notion that your guy can’t do any wrongs, as if he were Jesus- and my voted for is the Devil — is ABSURD!

People are allowed to post their “Free Speech"

As long as such is not promoting harm — PLEASE — let grandma hokey post pictures of her giraffe snickerdoodles, with pink frosting, on her thread?

Let people have their moment — without trying to pour muddy rain — on their parade?

Can’t we just allow people to have their say; without trying to 1-Up them?



Laser Haas

Leading resistance against Wall St racketeers - and their crooked lawyers - arranged to be federal prosecutors & Judges who aid & abet!