Does Laser Hair Removal Last Forever?

Laser Hair Removal Clinic
2 min readJul 16, 2018


Be it societal pressure or simply for hygienic reasons, we all love the feel of a hairless silky smooth skin. Yet no one likes going through the monthly or in some unfortunate cases, weekly agony of getting your hairs waxed. Not that shaving is any better either. The process is time consuming, the results don’t last that long and there will always be that one patch of hair which you will notice only after coming out of your house.

Laser hair removal can be an effectual alternative to waxing or shaving your hair. Most people when opting for laser hair removal are concerned about its longevity. Best laser specialists in Delhi claim that the whole process takes at least six to eight appointments to clear out most of the hair. To know about the relative permanency of the laser hair removal treatment, let us first see how it actually works.

The laser light that is focused on the particular area of the skin is absorbed by the hair pigments which sit in the hair follicle. At the point when the laser light gets assimilated, the hair follicle gets warm. In the event that enough warmth is produced, the laser light can then destroy the hair follicle preventing further growth of hair.

However, the scenario is not that easy. Body hair experiences a series of resting and development cycle which is why follow-up appointments are booked after regular time intervals. At the point when the hair is in a resting bit of the cycle, it will most likely be unable to retain enough laser light or create enough warmth to wreck the hair development focus. This implies is that you need to laser numerous circumstances — — ordinarily around 6 sessions ― to expel a considerable bit of the hair from a zone. That is, arms laser hair removal might take up to five to six sessions to completely remove the hairs of the arm area.

Specialists at DermaClinix — the best laser hair removal clinic in Delhi says that the longevity of the treatment differs from person to person. Specialists recommend people to not to get their hopes too high or expect a complete loss of hair just after the first session. It takes multiple sessions to remove 80 to 90 percent of the hair from the targeted part and even then some of the hair might return owing to genetic or hormonal predispositions.



Laser Hair Removal Clinic

Laser Hair Removal Clinic(DermaClinix) is the best laser hair removal clinic in Delhi, started in 2012 and is located with the Head Branch in South Delhi.