Olashile Ojuroye
3 min readSep 18, 2019


AND WHEN IT HURTS, remember that there is a purpose.

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A friend was telling me about how she felt at the lowest moment of her life and even though it wasn’t relatable, I had to listen to understand every nerve of emotions she experienced.

I’m sorry but at that moment, all I was thinking was “ It could never be me.” Lol. I was so wrong. And if it did happen, then I will have the strength to control it. I was right this time. I have learned not to allow doubt define what I have craved for my entire life. Yes, I’m talking about doubt because I think it is the root of every painful situation you can experience.

You got laid off work. Doubt.

Your partner said you are not the one anymore. Doubt.

Your parents never believed in your dreams. Doubt.

Well, it’s okay. I know it is because I have had genuine conversations with people, people who have been doubted and those who didn’t believe in others and it’s ridiculous what they had to say. But still, it’s okay.

These past few months have been the toughest I have ever done. Tough because every single day, I experienced different emotions. I didn’t know the human mind and body could do this! It is mind blowing. You can name the different types of emotions and I will explain exactly how I felt.

Now, during the course of this emotional rollercoaster, I figured out that making decisions at these points won’t be your best bet. Everyday, you wake up feeling different from what you felt the previous day. For example, you could feel deep anger today, and tomorrow, it might be loneliness! You could be agitated today, then the next 24 hours could be your best day yet!!

Now, I love having conversations. Genuine conversations that goes over and beyond. I think that you learn and retrieve as well.

My friend had explained to me how she went through this and in my mind, I was asking “how possible is this?” until I experienced it. Recently, I called her and said,

“ Hey, so I can relate to how you felt… do you have a name for this phase?”

Transitioning! Never could have explained better. In this journey, we would all transition either we approve or not! It is inevitable but necessary. The truth about this phase is that, you will remember every pain you went through, every emotion you had to overcome and every time you spent wanting to overlook.

This phase is memorably permanent because it involves three stages, ENDING, LOSING AND LETTING GO. This could mean different things to everyone depending on how much you want to transition.

Was I scared? Yes I was! But as long as it will make me a better person for myself and people around me, it is worth it. However, one of the greatest disservice you can ever do to yourself during this phase is feeling like you have to let those who caused your sudden transition know the pain they caused you. If possible, you can choose to have conversations with that individual. You never know, it might go a long way.

Rather, remember that when it hurts, there is always a purpose. TRANSITIONING!

One day at a time.

P.s- Just because you are strong enough to handle the pain doesn’t mean you deserve it.