Soraix, Future Digital Stock Exchange

full lass
3 min readOct 23, 2019


Every entrepreneur would want the company’s profitability to increase every year, this is done so that the company can survive and develop into greater and bigger over time. One way that can be done to get the maximum profit is by making various types of investments, such as stocks, bonds and others. Currently stock investment is an alternative for some companies to get additional capital. However, companies must first issue their shares to the stock exchange, which will require maximum funds to be able to issue the company’s shares.

Stock investment is an investment that provides high returns for investors. However, this profit is only obtained by some investors who hold shares in large companies such as shares included in LQ-45. This will certainly cause investors who have little funds to be unable to buy shares in large companies and will often suffer losses caused by companies that have minimum profitability. Now the latest technological breakthroughs such as Soraix are here to provide solutions to investors and can buy digital stocks with a low level of risk. Where this platform will provide the latest way of transaction more easily to be accessed and get maximum profit.

Soraix as one of the platforms that has a function as a digital stock exchange, where it will change the form of company shares from a piece of paper now into an equity token. Surely this transformation is very interesting for investors who do not want to bring proof of company ownership in the form of a piece of paper. In addition, this platform also allows companies of all sizes to be able to issue their digital stock tokens without using maximum costs.

So that users can trade quickly without having to wait for confirmation from a third party, Soraix has now issued its own currency called SRX token, in which 1 SRX token is valued at $ 152 and has 1,000,000,000 SRX tokens to be launched. Not only that, currently Soraix will also provide special offers by cwofunding through the ICO (initial coin offering) method to investors with the concept of 1: 1 equality, which if investors have 1 SRX token with a value of $ 152 and the price of 1 equity token company for $ 180, then investors can exchange 1 of these SRX tokens for 1 company equity token. This will encourage investors to get maximum profitability, which investors will sell the company’s equity shares obtained at a cheaper price, can be sold at a more expensive price.

Every business must have its own plans in order to know what strategies should be done in the future. Same is the case with Soraix, which previously had also planned the platform. In addition, this is done so that users can find out important information about the applications that will be published by this platform. Where the plan is in Q1 2019, he has formed the initial concept by analyzing the market, this is done to see whether Soraix can be accepted by the community or not going forward. Furthermore, in Q2 2019, he will build a company and will recruit Soraix technology experts. Then in Q4 2019 will launch the latest version of MPV on the Soraix platform, after that he will also develop applications by providing layered security to the public in Q1 2020. Furthermore, in Q2 this platform will also launch a social trading mobile application and finally in Q3 2020 he will implement a special ETO Blockchain, which ETO (Ethereum One) is a token that is compatible with ERC20 traded on the Ethereum network and deliberately made to be an alternative for users to be able to find the desired currency quickly, safely and reliably.

Of the various benefits that have been offered by Soraix, it will certainly attract investors to invest in digital shares. Where investors and companies will get access to reliable services without interference from irresponsible parties.

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