Last Man Standing (LMS)

Last Man Standing Lms Lms
3 min readMar 5, 2023


A FAIR project to change LIVES! Do you have what it takes to be “the last man standing”?

Charles Darwin popularized the concept of survival of the fittest as a mechanism underlying the natural selection that drives the evolution of life. Organisms with genes better suited to the environment are selected for survival and pass them to the next generation. It describes the mechanism of natural selection by explaining how the best-adapted individuals are better suited to their environment. As a result, these individuals are more likely to survive!

Likewise our token sets out to weed the weak so only the motivated will reap the rewards. There is no sweet in this world without sweat!

It doesnt matter what backgroud you come from. Its an even battlefield in this game and only hard work and sleepless nights will get you the prize.

Potential to win life changing money backed by a SAFU team. We have hard coded the rules into the contract. Even the winner will be automaticaly sent their prize to the winning wallet.

Once we reach 1mil MC, there will be a play to earn game developed. Hence more opportunities for you to achieve financial freedom.

Our vision

1) Reward hard work

2) Does’t matter what background you come from, even field for all

3) Potential to win life changing money

4) Tokenomics which keeps raising the floor

5) Last man standing play to earn game


Rules of engagement (ROE), directives meant to describe the circumstances under which you will enter into and continue combat with opposing forces.

Our team members are blockchain enthusiasts, investors and high-level crypto experts. We come from Ukraine, USA and Australia. As investors, we understand the inadequacies and shortcomings of crypto projects and especially understand the wishes of the investor community. We have one purpose — to building a project for the people!

We understand trust is a big issue in crypto. Hence we have hard coded many safety features

  • 0.05BNB minimum buy can not be changed
  • 30min timer can not be changed
  • Taxes can not be changed
  • Trading is not pausible
  • 10% team tokens
  • 10% private sale — vested for 4 weeks
  • LP locked 1 year
  • Winner will be automatically sent prize

10% Buy Tax and 10% Sell Tax

  • 4% Prize Pool
  • 2% LP
  • 2% Marketing
  • 2% Operations

What more could you ask for? SAFU team with a SAFU contract launches a project with tokenomics designed to keep raising the floor. The last man standing has potential to earn life changing money. Not only that, as traction catches on and we surpass the 1million MC, a P2E game will drop! This token is designed to make the hard working man some money. Survival of the fittest!

