Yoni Eggs Are Dangerous and Toxic? A Practical Guide to Choosing Your Next Yoni Egg Wisely

La Tetra O.
5 min readNov 7, 2017


I’m glad you’re here, though. Yoni Eggs are not inherently dangerous or toxic. They are safe for any healthy vagina* to use. Be that as it may, the on and off trendiness of the ancient sacred practice of using crystals for womb wellness has been a catalyst for widespread misinformation about what yoni eggs are — and what they aren’t. Likewise, many practitioners who make yoni eggs available to their customers are often selfish with information; leaving their customers bewildered when they go to buy their second and third eggs from other crystal ladies. More controversially, some people just like yoni eggs, but don’t know what the hell they’re talking about. So, what is the actual danger here? Uneducated “Yoni Egg” purchases made from undereducated sellers. Did you know that only certain crystals and stones are safe for vaginal insertion? Keep reading to learn wtf.

There are a few terrible things that can happen if you choose the wrong yoni egg. Some women have experienced their crystal rusting after using it in their vaginas or not drying it after cleansing. Anyway, other crystals can dissolve in your vagina. Finally, some crystals are just flat out toxic.

