Tennessee’s ELVIS Act: A Harmonious Anthem for Artists in the Age of AI

Anand Bhatt — El Latindio
2 min readMar 22, 2024


Photo by Possessed Photography on Unsplash

NASHVILLE, Tenn. — The music industry, like a symphony, weaves together the melodies of creativity, passion, and artistry. But in this digital age, where algorithms hum alongside human voices, a new note has been struck — one that resonates with both promise and peril.

Tennessee, the birthplace of country music and the cradle of legends, has stepped onto the stage as the **first state in the U.S.** to protect its musicians and artists from the encroaching shadows of artificial intelligence. Governor **Bill Lee** recently signed the **ELVIS Act** into law, a harmonious anthem that safeguards the soul of our craft.

The Echoes of AI

Picture this: a hauntingly accurate AI-generated rendition of your voice, belting out your lyrics, capturing your essence. It’s a digital doppelgänger, a mimicry that dances on the edge of authenticity. Country stars **Luke Bryan** and **Chris Janson** have felt this eerie echo — voices replicated without their consent, their artistry diluted by ones and zeros.

As artists, we wield intellectual property, gifts, and a uniqueness that defies artificial intelligence. Our melodies are stitched with memories, our lyrics etched with emotion. The ELVIS Act recognizes this sacred bond between artist and expression. It ensures that AI tools cannot clone our voices, leaving us mere echoes in a digital canyon.

The ELVIS Act: A Bridge Across Time

Why ELVIS? Because just as the King himself transcended eras, this act bridges the analog and digital realms. It adds vocal likeness to the list of protected rights, acknowledging that our voices are more than sound waves — they’re our legacy.

But will the ELVIS Act hit the high notes? That remains to be seen. Amid bipartisan agreement — a rarity in today’s discordant political landscape — Tennessee musicians stand at the crossroads. AI threats already buzz on our cellphones, infiltrate our recording studios. We can’t afford to wait for a perfect solution. The ELVIS Act is our first chord, but we must harmonize with vigilance.

The Encore

So here we stand, artists and legislators, weaving our stories into legislation. The ELVIS Act is our encore, a standing ovation for creativity. Let it echo across state lines, inspiring other symphonies to protect their artists. Let it be a testament to the power of our voices — human, authentic, and unyielding.

As the curtain falls, remember this: AI may hum, but it’s our melodies that resonate through time. Let’s keep the music alive, one note at a time.

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Follow Anand Bhatt on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/5Zf1vBtza79MCpWpag4ojo?si=CTyGs8qxRNeUD308t5jfXg

