Rick Perry & Rex Tilerson in White House is not good please help us protest

Hispanic Latino News Netw
3 min readJan 23, 2017


Please email, phone call and fax urgent today and all this week it is crucial to our success.

These are the people on the confirmation hearing http://www.armed-services.senate.gov/

Here you can find their contact information or just highlight their name on the above, right mouse click and google search for their contact info. We have about 50 so far calling and email we need 50,000 to make a difference or more.

Here is a script you can use:

Please advise the Senate confirmation committee. as we are contacting all of them on our issue as Texas Spanish Land Grant Heirs. We have tried to contact him before Trump took office. Please excuse us as we don’t have an active phone number. However we can still be reached or reach out to you.

This video may give you some insight into it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kd4YIYp2CIw

Our website is www.thevoiceofchange.info . Gov Rick Perry appointed a team of Oil experts and Attorneys that represented the big Oil firms like Tilerson’s Exxon — to hush over 50,000 affected grantees. The State of Texas Comptroller admitted in Court that documents are out of order, that many oil companies did not pay royalties for land leases and tracking the legitimate heirs is a paperwork problem.

Perry and Tilerson should not be confirmed. Please take this serious, it would hinder thousands of people for another 4–8 years from getting relief.

Even though it has been on the news several times, and some politicians are supporting our cause, these heirs remain unpaid.

The lead attorney in the case has had courts certify the descendants as rightful heirs, person by person, case by case. Proved through ancestry and birth certificates, however although a court judgement document is a valid legal document, the State of Texas refuses to recognize it.

Leaving thousands unpaid in rightful benefits. We started a petition, then ended it as the the election started. https://www.change.org/p/one-million-spanish-land-grant-heirs-seeking-to-force-the-state-of-texas-to-release-the-type-2-mineral-billions-of-dollars-in-royalties-bonuses-etc-to-their-rightful-land-grant-heirs-and-stop-spending-our-money?lang=en-US

It took years for the African Americans to get their rights, and the native american’s. Now it is time for the Hispanic land grant heirs to get their rights, the State of Texas Constitution preserves it and the King of Spain sealed it years ago.

Our story will be soon covered in news media world wide. But that should not be the reason this senate committee does something to help us. It should be to preserve the constitutions and laws that protect us.

Thank you for your time, we know you are busy with a new agenda.



Hispanic Latino News Netw

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