I Made A Custom Map Poster Of My Favorite Place

Lauma Laube
2 min readMar 4, 2017


Last year I moved to Berlin for 5 months. My university offered me to participate in an exchange program and without a doubt I decided to go. Even though I love traveling and exploring different cultures, I have always done it together with my friends or family, not on my own. So it was kinda scary at first — I was leaving everything behind and stepping into a completely unknown environment all alone for the first time. Of course, there was nothing to be scared of and this journey was truly magical — I had so many amazing experiences, both good and bad, met wonderful people and found a place to call home.

After leaving Berlin and coming back home I tried to preserve all the things I have learned and experienced there. I had a ton of pictures but I didn’t want to put them on the walls all around my apartment. I was looking for something else, I was trying to find a way how to preserve the memory of Berlin. And not so long ago I finally did.

I discovered a website — grafomap.com — that allows you to create custom map posters for any place in the world. I started checking out all the design tools, added Berlin as my location, zoomed in the part of the city I wanted to display, chose the style of the poster and ordered it online. I can’t believe how easy it was and just two weeks later my poster was here. I was so happy and needless to say that this was exactly what I was looking for! No more expensive souvenirs or crazy amounts of pictures on the wall!

More info: https://grafomap.com/

Work In Progres…
The End Result :))
Working On A Poster For My Next Travel Destination — NYC!

