Titanic: The Never Ending Tragedy

Laura. S
4 min readJun 27, 2023


For many years, the legend of the sinking ship has been the inspiration of different writers, movie producers, and now rich explorers. Many people are wondering this week why some of the world’s wealthiest men risked their lives to travel to the bottom of the ocean in a freezing and confined “experimental” submarine in order to witness the Titanic’s wreckage resting in the depth of the gloomy water.

From a Tragic Trip to a Franchise

Such grandeur was the first. The Titanic was described as the most opulent vessel ever to set sail by the White Star Line. Wealthy travelers paid up to £870 for the right to stay in the most luxurious and roomy first-class accommodations on the Titanic. To put this 110-year-old currency into perspective, infantry troops in the British army received an annual basic wage of about £20 prior to the start of the First World War in 1914. One can see and feel the fancy aspect of this unique Titan.

However, the “unsinkable” ship, and on her maiden journey across the Atlantic, sank after striking an iceberg in 1912. It is undoubtedly the world’s most famous vessel which had, unfortunately, met its end much too soon. More people recognize the Titanic, but not the Nia, Pinta, and Santa Maria (Christopher Colombus’ fleet that inaugurated the Spanish conquest of the Americas) or Captain Cook’s HMS Endeavour (the tall ship that initiated the British conquest of Australia). Hence, the glory of the ship is undeniable, as well as its ever lasting effect on both movie industry and people’s curiosity.

One of the breaking news of 1912 was the maiden voyage and tragic demise of the Titanic, which has captivated generations of people ever since. The catastrophe served as the inspiration for several songs and movies during the 20th century, including James Cameron’s 1997 epic romance, which for many years held the record for biggest box office receipts. More recently, massive audiences have flocked to Titanic displays in New York, Seville, and Hong Kong that allow tourists to study artifacts and see the ship’s replica quarters.

The Glamour of the Titanic

Movies and exhibitions about the Titanic are admired because spectators’ delight in the voyeurism of seeing the ship’s exquisite furnishings, the exquisite clothing worn by its affluent and attractive passengers, and their extravagant meals in posh restaurants. Salmon, steak, and foie gras pâté were served as part of multi-course dinners for first-class passengers. For interested customers, chefs in Australia and other countries periodically replicate meals from the Titanic.

Numerous low-income immigrants, like Jack (played by Leonardo DiCaprio) in Cameron’s film, were also traveling on the Titanic. They ate less exciting meals such as boiled meat and potatoes and lived in cramped quarters. If only they had been on board, the Titanic may have vanished from history quite swiftly.

One might ask why such people would spend money and risk their lives to see just the wreks of what once used to be fancy. The answer lays wihin te folds of the mesmerising aura antiquity sites hold. The Titanic is a massive human growth’s proof under the sea, and the sight of it might send chills down the spine.

Into the Unknown

An orca may be found at 114 meters, while 332 meters is the highest depth attained by a human wearing SCUBA gear. Thus, it takes a long diving voyage to get to the rusty structure of the Titanic, which is about 4,000 meters below the seas.

Aside from gross financial disparity, contemplating the Titan and the Titanic forces us to consider how limited our perception of the sea is in this day of global monitoring. Even the mighty US navy, aided by the governments of Canada, the United Kingdom, and France, lacks the means and technology needed to identify, let alone rescue, the lost submersible.

As yet another ship appears to have been devoured by the water, we are reminded of the limits of human understanding and dominion over the ocean.



Laura. S

In the depth of someone's thoughts comes the brightness of brand new perceptions of this world. As one cannot open a mind to share, words can describe best.