The results of our crowdfunded polling on KiwiSaver are in!

And it confirms exactly what we’ve suspected all along…

Laura O'Connell Rapira
2 min readOct 12, 2016

The vast majority of New Zealanders are overwhelmingly opposed to KiwiSaver funds being invested in stuff that harms, injures and kills.

Here are the results:

Polling conducted by UMR Research in September 2016

Some things you should know:

  • This is a survey of a nationally representative sample of 750 New Zealanders 18 years of age and over.
  • Of the 750 respondents, 86% disapproved of using KiwiSaver funds to invest in ‘weapons, bombs, landmines and missiles’, 6% approved and 8% neither approved nor disapproved.
  • Of the respondents who identified as National voters, 86% disapproved of using KiwiSaver funds to invest in ‘weapons, bombs, landmines and missiles’.

This is great news for our campaign for an ethical KiwiSaver because it proves to Government that the public — and importantly, National voters — are on our side.

We have already landed some media off the back of these results but we’ll be ramping up the pressure big time next week by releasing more of the results from our polling. We’re also working with Bryan Bruce, investigative journalist and documentary filmmaker, to get an opinion piece placed with one of the mainstream print newspapers.

The last time I wrote about our KiwiSaver campaign, I asked for your views about which creative tactic we should use to deliver our people-powered petition next week. The majority of you chose to print signs and banners and hire a theatre troupe to perform a protest piece, so we’re going to do both!

We’re planning an action with the good folks at Pat-A-Cake Productions to pull off something spectacular, and we need your help to do it.

Will you chip in to help fund our petition delivery event?

If you can’t chip in right now, that’s no problem! The other way you could help out is by sending Commerce Minister Paul Goldsmith a quick email ( or Tweet to let him know that you — and 86% of New Zealanders — think we need tighter legislation to ensures our retirement savings are invested in the brighter future the National Party promised us, and not weapons of war.

Watch this space as plans for the action develop, as well as an opportunity for you to come along to the handover event and be involved.

