Hobbies of the Rich Which They Can Afford

Laura Villagio
5 min readJun 26, 2019


When successful and rich people have free time, they have the means for extravagant hobbies, whether it’s jet-setting across the globe or collecting classic cars. They have their own unique habits, and they enjoy relaxing the way the rest of us do. Even rich people need to unwind after a long day at work. These are some interesting and special hobbies of those people.

Anil Ambani runs his separate empire with interests in financial services, defence, infrastructure and media. He is the one of India’s reputed business tycoons. His major business interests in entertainment include 44 FM radio stations, nationwide DTH business, animation studios, and several multiplex cinemas throughout India. After his father’s death in 2002, Anil Ambani took over the reins of Reliance Group with interests in telecom, entertainment, financial services, power and infrastructure.

Anil Ambani is always seen participating in marathon events

“Running is my passion. But running is not my profession. I’m not an athlete but a businessman running among professional sportspersons. For example, marathon it’s a good event always, and there is so much competition, I look forward to join every marathon. Running does something to my mind. I listen to music. Or, if somebody is with me, there is brief communication. Otherwise, I’m with my thoughts. Some of my brightest business ideas come to me when I’m running. Otherwise I focus on my speed, timing, the distance I want to cover. I run by myself. Nobody in front and nobody behind. But there’s a large number of people running alongside me. And it makes me smile to hear others calling out to them, ‘Come on, run faster. He’s three times your age.’ It’s a good feeling. It spurs me on. You can buy any luxury with money, from clothes to food and a home to a holiday. But you can’t buy health. Do whatever it takes to make yourself feel good”.

Michael Charles Rockefeller is an Israeli-American Entrepreneur, Philanthropist and Business Executive. One of the descendants of the globally known Rockefeller family whose history and legacy has been admired and commended for entire centuries. His construction firm, Rockefeller & Couts International is for many a synonym of financial development, luxury and prosperous entrepreneurial example.

Michael Rockefeller pictured on the Niarchos Foundation roofgarden in Athens, Greece

“Golf and sailing. You can’t really put a price in the peace of mind any of these two have to offer. The sea is just a home away from home for me and sailing tends to set me in the right mind frame, and it even makes me think straight when I need to make an important decision. Golf on the other hand helps you take your mind away from work for a while. It is a sport that concentration and focus are required so it doesn’t leave a lot of space for other concerns and worries. It’s good till the moment you exit the course that all the problems and concerns rush back into your head. However one thing I would not be able to hold my self from spending big amounts of money on, is boats and sea sports. Same thing goes for my friend Dan and aviation. So we share one boat and one tiny jet which satisfy our fascination for both sailing and aviation. It’s a nice balance. Daniel would usually give me a lift here and there with his little jet while he always counts on me for a Mediterranean voyage”.

Jeff Bezos is an American investor, technology and retail entrepreneur, and philanthropist. He is the founder of one of the biggest E-Shopping giant “Amazon”. Bezos founded aerospace company Blue Origin in 2000. A Blue Origin test flight successfully first reached space in 2015, and Blue has plans to begin commercial suborbital human spaceflight in 2019.

Bezos shows off recovered Apollo engines as NASA donates artifacts to Seattle’s Museum of Flight

“When given the opportunity, I like to spend my time combing the oceans for discarded NASA rocket ships.Because most of the rocket ship detaches from space shuttles mid-flight, there’s no safe place to discard the rocket boosters, except over the ocean. I’m working with a team in submarine to retrieve these historic relics. Once I spent three weeks on a single underwater rocket hunt. I’m excited that, using state-of-the-art deep sea sonar, my team has found the Apollo 11 engines lying 14,000 feet below the surface, and we’re making plans to attempt to raise one or more of them from the ocean floor”.

Carlos Slim Helú is Mexican entrepreneur who became one of the wealthiest people in theworld. He is a self-made man, the son of Catholic Lebanese immigrants to Mexico. He derived his fortune from his extensive holdings in a considerable number of Mexican companies through his conglomerate, Grupo Carso.

Carlos Slim Helú in his art gallery down the hall from his Mexico City office

“My parents weren’t artistic, but I was always surrounded by beautiful things. And Mexico is a country which has experienced thousands of years of art and culture. From the pre-Hispanic times to the colonial era — all the buildings, churches, plazas. In Mexico there is that atmosphere. I can’t live without art around me. When you buy a collection, you have to exhibit it. You have to share it. When I started buying art, in Mexico the museums didn’t have many European works. Periodically there would be exhibitions that came to Mexico, but it was a small percentage of the total art on show. I believe that we have to find means for all desirable things to be universally accessible. Culture. Entertainment. Sport. Communication. Health. Food. Housing. The fundamental things. Now those people who can’t travel abroad have somewhere they can go to see great European art. That was the thinking behind buying European art. I want to give it to them”.

