Donald Trump’s Speech

Do you agree or disagree with him and why?

Laura Annabelle
2 min readAug 17, 2016

I’ve studied a lot about him in two of my high school business classes and I’ve come to learn and give plenty of information as to why Donald Trump isn’t thinking logically and ethically here with his debates and speeches for the upcoming election in January 2017.

One thing he mentioned in his speech here (in link), about doing something

“Who love all of our people. They love our people. They have to love our country or what are we doing?” – Donald Trump

We’re gonna stand up to China, withdraw from DPP which is another disaster. And protect every last American job. We are going to protect every last American job, which we are not doing now. – said by Donald Trump. Well your not thinking properly.

You need to think more logically and ethically. You don’t need to spread or encourage any kind of hate towards anyone in the world. No matter who they are, what race, what religion, no matter what; you cannot judge anyone nor hate them for any reason of any kind. Another strategy I reccomend Donald Trump to change in his thinking and election promises is: stop demanding your words, promised actions, plans. Demanding change isn’t the right way to handle/react to a situation. If you wanna help solve situations/issues in the world, you need to inspire better change for the world.

Research people who have inspired change rather than demanding it and see the difference between them and how you create/get the change you want for the world. Inspiring change gets you way better results and outcomes than demand and any other method in getting better change.

“You don’t demand change, you inspire it.” – Lying To Be Perfect

If you want to win this election in January, you better start doing better research and create a better speech and plan for your job if you do. You gotta do the right work the right way to get real change.

“You cannot solve a problem with the same thinking when you created the problem.” – Albert Einstein



Laura Annabelle

I’m just a young adult trying to figure out how to live her new adult life.