Radio Rebel

Standing Up For Yourself!

Laura Annabelle
Social Change Agents
3 min readJun 24, 2016


Mom: Congratulations!

Tara: What?

Mom: Your prom nominations are on the school website and I’m so excited.

Tara: But what about Principal Morino? Mom if Radio Rebel wins, and I confess my identity I’d be expelled.

Mom: I don’t care about Principal Morino. Honey, people nominated you for Prom queen because you inspire them. Your standing up for your beliefs. That’s all I care about.

Tara: I don’t want to go to prom.

Mom: Let me rephrase that. All I care about is you standing up for your beliefs and PROM! You have to go, it’s prom!

Tara: No

Mom: You have to! Your going to prom.

Radio Rebel

Gavin: I’m afraid to do my own thing

Radio Rebel: I was too.

Gavin: Was? What changed?

Radio Rebel: Well I started doing this show and I realized, your not as alone as you feel. You can remember that, it would be easier to take a risk. Do your own thing.

Tara/Radio Rebel: I’m afraid to show people the real me.

Radio Rebel

Dad: Principal Morrino called. The Dance party fiasco was a mistake. She wants to expel Radio Rebel as soon as she finds out who Radio Rebel is.

Tara: Well as long as she doesn’t know it’s me. We shouldn’t have a problem.

Dad: I can’t take that chance though can I?

Tara: what do you mean?

Dad: I may run SlamFM. But I’m your stepfather first. And it’s unfortunate but this has gone too far.

Tara: Yes, it has. It’s too far to stop now. Look, this is bigger than Slam or Morrino or even me. I can’t turn my back on the thousands of people that really feel like they have a voice. And I’m not going back to that shy invisible little girl who’s afraid to even speak. Look, I know it’s risky, but I’m not going to back down.

Dad: Look, I think that’s the most I’ve heard Tara say at one time.

Life’s about taking risks. Taking chances. ~ Radio Rebel

It’s not just our playlists we are being deprived of. Music is the soundtrack to our lives. It’s where we’ve been, and where we’re going and everywhere in between. Music is who we are. Are we gonna let someone just snatch that away from us? Or are we gonna change the game?



Laura Annabelle
Social Change Agents

I’m just a young adult trying to figure out how to live her new adult life.